XXII. New Roles

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Chapter Twenty-Two

"Since the attack on downtown London last week, news has surfaced that the Savage and the Winter Soldier have been harboring a secret for nearly two decades," The reporter informs every citizen in the UK watching this on tv. "The two shapeshifters seen in footage from the attacks are none other than Olivia and Steven Barnes, the Savage and the Winter Soldier's children, who until now have lived completely anonymous under the aliases Olivia and Steven Branson in the United States. Given the recent statements given by Secretary Daniel Fai of the US and Naomi Jackson of the F.E.P, we are all curious to see how these children will fit into the narrative of superhero life and the conflict with the enhanced coming to a head."

All week it's been like this. Every news station in every country is reporting about Stevie and me. Some are speculating how we managed to stay hidden, some are theorizing what we're planning to do with what's going on, others are pondering trivial questions like what we do for fun or what Mom and Dad are like as parents. The one thing they all have in common is that they assume Stevie and I will become Avengers like our parents, that we'll save the world just like they have countless times.

It's like I've always said, everyone expects me to be just like them, to follow in their footsteps, carry on their legacy, even though I don't want to. I don't have a choice now. Everyone knows who I am. I wouldn't be allowed back in to NYU, and even if I was, it's far too dangerous. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of people who want to hurt Mom and Dad and I'm an easy target to accomplish that goal. I'll never be a doctor, I'll never be anything other than what I was born to be: a hero.

The tv clicks off suddenly, and I turn towards my nightstand where I left the remote to find Zy standing there, pointing it towards the tv. He sets the remote down and gives me a soft smile, walking around my bed to sit down by my side.

"The craze will die down eventually." He assures me.

"It's not that they are talking about me at such great length that bothers me, it's that they're talking about me at all."

"I know," He whispers, slipping his hand into mine. "We're both stuck."

Indeed we are. I saw the looks that the council members were giving him, the disappointment, the judgement. Everyone is comparing Zy to Uncle T'Challa, just like Zy has done his whole life. I don't have anyone judging me or feeling disappointed in me, not yet at least. That would change the moment I said I didn't want to be an Avenger, a hero. Coward, selfish, cruel, neglectful, all words that would be thrown my way if I were to stray from the path my powers have forced me into, the path being the daughter of the Savage and the Winter Soldier has forced me onto.

He and I will never be free.

"I appreciate you wanting to come with me and help, Zy," I begin, slipping my hand out from his grip. "But I don't think it's a smart idea."

Zy's voice lowers. "Have you made your choice then?"

"No. The decision has been made for me. How could I ever have a future with you if I'm forced to become an Avenger, which I definitely will. Fai is too busy with the F.E.P right now, but the moment this is over he'll make Stevie and me sign the accords, we'll be forced on whatever assignment he gives us. My parents were barely here before I was born because they were so busy, Wakanda doesn't deserve that. They deserve a queen who will be there for them."

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