XXI. A World Divided

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One week later...

Chapter Twenty-One

I wonder why they haven't brought me back to America yet. It's been about a week since I was arrested and I'm still in the UK, in a very old looking prison cell that was probably built five centuries ago. It's cold in here, and the air is moist from the constant rain. I swear to god it's rained everyday, makes this whole experience much more annoying.

Prison isn't a pleasant experience, but sitting in prison while Soroya is too is even worse. Watching her get dragged away and throne into the back of the truck was hard. I should have known that she and Alex would be arrested, the government they serve knows nothing about loyalty. They turned on her the moment they could. I wish there was something I could do, I hate sitting her worrying about her, I feel so useless.

The door to my cell opens suddenly. It usually only open twice a day, one for lunch and once for dinner, but it's still really early in the morning. I turn to see who it is, finding a middle aged man of Chinese decent standing in the doorway. He's wearing expensive clothes: black dress pants, a polo shirt, his hair neatly combed back, and a nice silver watch on his wrist. He walks towards me and extends his hand out, greeting me in a thick New York accent:

"Dr. Remington, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm a big fan of your work."

I take his hand and shake it firmly. "That makes one of us."

"You may have been working for HYDRA, but I can appreciate a genius mind no matter who they work for. Your work in genetic modification is without parallel, it's no wonder why you were broken out of prison to assist with this unfortunate event. With the Princess of Wakanda disposed, you are the only one qualified for the job."

What a brown nose. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name or why you're here."

The man smiles. "My name is Dr. Theodore Fai, I work for the CIA as a scientist. I specialize in genetic modification as well."

"Fai? Any relation to Daniel Fai?"

"My younger brother," Dr. Fai explains. "He sent me here to offer you a deal. As you know, most of the active Avengers have been turned into animals, we have no knowledge on how to reverse this. The only person who has ever successfully stripped away the serum within someone's genetic code was Princess Shuri when she did so to you. Since she is one of the victims of this unfortunate incident, you are the only one capable of completing that task."

"What makes you think I can do it? Just because it worked on me doesn't mean I can replicate it."

"Oh, I think you can, Dr. Remington. I understand your hesitation to lend us assistance, but please understand that you are the only hope we have at freeing these people. If you lend us your assistance, my brother has promised to change your sentence from life in prison to life in house arrest."

House arrest, that would be nice. I'd get to have a big bed, a kitchen, a nice big bathroom, maybe even a bathtub. I haven't been able to take a bath in twenty three years, this alone makes me want to consider his offer. But besides the wonderful reward I'd get, I do want to help these people, because he's right, I am the only one who can, that's why Barnes helped me escape in the first place, as Dr. Fai pointed out. It's also worth noting that Shuri is one of the people who got turned into an animal and I owe her a debt, she helped cure me, the least I can do is help cure her.

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