XV. Selfless Love

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Chapter Fifteen

It didn't take Analiese long to make the serum to mask my scent from the Savage, who according to Livy and Zy, will most likely be the only one there. Apparently the Shifter is running around injecting the other Avengers with the shapeshifting serum. I'm glad he won't be there, it's difficult seeing him like that, seeing Dad's body say and do these awful things, things Dad will take a long time to recover from.

When Livy and Zy made it back from their trip they seemed off. It could be that they learned that the other Avengers are missing and Wakanda is overrun by CIA agents, but I don't think it is. Something else happened while they were gone, I wish I knew what. They have barely spoken or looked at each other since they got back, I can't help but wonder if they finally talked through some of their pent up angst. That would explain why they're so awkward around each other, just like Lizzie and Darcy were, or Jo and Laurie. Everyone is uncomfortable after the initial love confession, they need some time to process everything before they finally get together. Watching their dynamic really is like reading a book, it almost makes me forget that I don't have anything to read. Almost. I wish I had brought Jane Eyre with me, it would be a really nice distraction right now.

Analiese places the serum in a bag for us, telling me to inject it just before I get off the ship, it doesn't last forever. I need to be quick. I don't need anything else for this mission other than the serum and my suit, both of which I have, but Uncle John definitely needs a weapon of some kind, something a bit more substantial than the hand gun he has in his pocket.

Uncle Bucky and Uncle Sam keep offering him various extra weapons but he keeps refusing them, claiming it will look suspicious if he arrives there geared up for war. He's right of course, but the others don't like it.

With everything now ready, all that's left to do is leave. Before we do so though, everyone bids us goodbye. Livy, Zy, and Stevie envelop me in a group hug, with Stevie murmuring: "United we stand, divided we fall, remember. Make sure you come back in one piece."

As I pull back from him I give him a wink, trying to put on a mask of confidence as I reply: "Don't worry, the Musketeers won't go down to three. D'Artagnan may have been the latest entry into the Musketeers but he was the strongest and fiercest of them all, he made it through and so will I."

Stevie rolls his eyes. "I'd hardly call you the strongest and the fiercest, I think that's obviously me."

"In your dreams."

Stevie winks back at me, stepping back with Livy and Zy to let Uncle Bucky past. He collects me into his arms and kisses the top of my head, trying his best to hide his fear as he whispers down to me: "Remember your training, stay vigilant, don't underestimate Hale."

"I won't," I assure him, squeezing him a bit tighter. "I love you, Uncle Bucky."

"I love you, too, Jo. I'm so proud of you."

I pull away from him and turn to Uncle John, watching him step back from hugging Livy and Stevie, now turning his attention to Uncle Bucky, giving him a firm hug. He gives Aunt Jade a similar hug, as do I, but when he reaches Uncle Sam, he stops to say:

"Stop your worrying, I'll be fine. Watch over the others while I'm gone will you? Don't burn the lab down."

Uncle Sam tries to hide his worry the best he can, letting out a mostly sincere chuckle. "No promises."

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