XX. True Intentions

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Chapter Twenty

"Bucky?" Aunt Soroya asks, her eyes brimming with tears, a laugh escaping her trembling lips. Uncle Bucky nods and pulls her in for a hug, cradling her head and beginning to cry into her shoulder, whispering how much he missed her, how much he loves her. She then pulls away and hugs onto Livy, who has begun crying very hard. Aunt Soroya tries her best to soothe her daughter, and she does the same for Zy, who hugs onto her just as fiercely.

I've been so distracted with Aunt Soroya coming back that when I feel Dad's hand brush my cheek I flinch, feeling startled by the contact. I look down at him and find the same exhausted look in his eyes as is in Aunt Soroya's, but the grin that spreads on his face is definitely Dad's.

"Hey, peanut." He whispers, and that's all it takes for me to begin to sob as hard as Livy. Dad sits himself up and cradles me against him, kissing my head over and over, rubbing my back, assuring me over and over that's he's okay, that he's back.

After she pulls away from Livy and Zy, Aunt Soroya's eyes fall onto Analiese, who is crying as well, looking just as relieved as us. Aunt Soroya forces herself to stand and brings Analiese in for a large embrace, which Analiese returns enthusiastically. I can hear Analiese mumble against her shoulder:

"Your alter ego is a bigger pain than you ever were."

Aunt Soroya chuckles, pulling back and wiping a tear away from Analiese's cheek. "You have no idea."

Stevie, Aunt Jade, and Uncle Sam come in through the building to share in the embraces also, with Stevie breaking down in tears just like Livy and I did. For a few moments everything seems perfect, we're all together again, we're all safe, none of us are really hurt. Being able to embrace my father and aunt again, knowing that they're back for good, it makes these last few days of stress and worry fade away.

This feeling of perfection and happiness changes when we exit the building. Hale is dragged out of the building and taken into custody, then Analiese is forced down to the ground and cuffed, which makes sense because she's an escaped felon. Aunt Soroya and Dad are arrested next, which kind of makes sense because they were mind controlled, but they clearly aren't anymore, so the rest of us freak out the moment they are cuffed. The freaking out becomes more intense when Livy, Stevie, and I are cuffed. I think I'm about to have a panic attack, this is definitely not how I thought this was going to go. Stevie and Livy look like they're about to have panic attacks as well, especially when we are being dragged away from Uncle Bucky, Aunt Jade, Uncle Sam and Zy, who are the only ones who aren't being arrested.

"No! No, let them go!" Aunt Soroya yells, struggling against the four different agents trying to force her and Dad into a large black truck.

"Mom!" Stevie yells, trying to run towards her, but the agents holding onto us refuse to let him slip away. I see Livy tense up after Stevie says this and I realize he just gave himself away. There are dozens of agents around who heard him call her 'mom'. We're royaly fucked.

Zy tries to get to us, but Uncle Bucky holds him back despite sharing the same look of despair. He knows that any of them trying to interfere with our arrest will make it worse for us. I've read crime novels before, I know how this goes. We haven't done anything wrong, they probably are arresting us because no one knows who we are. I have a feeling that's going to change very soon.

The three of us are forced into a black truck just like the one Dad and Aunt Soroya were forced into. We're packed between heavily armed agents, and the looks they are giving us are filled with hostility and anger. I have a feeling these guys don't have warm feelings towards the enhanced. Just our luck.

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