illicit affairs

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pairing: rock lee x gaara
type: fluff, songfic
setting: konoha, suna
era: after the war, the last

summary: gaara couldn't help it; he was lonely and it wouldn't hurt to visit his boyfriend.

a/n: yeah, ik this is pretty ooc. do I care? nope


Leaving the village is strictly forbidden, especially when you're the Kazekage, a leader of one of the five great nations. He knew it was risky, but followed through anyway.

Gaara has been lonely for quite some time without the flashy Konoha ninja. Sure, his green spandex can be a little much, and he can be a little strange in behavior, but that's what he loves about Lee; he loves himself, and he knows how to love others.

Love is all he needs. Love is mandatory, especially if you're in his shoes.

He's been pondering this for a few days now. The risk is grand - but it's always possible. He really, really misses Lee and would kill to see him right about now.

One day in particular, the stack of paperwork wasn't as high as usual. He had two choices.

A: Lie and tell your siblings you're out for a walk and sneakily flee Suna to visit your Konoha lover.

B: Spend the night with your siblings and suffer in a cold bed whilst getting zero hours of sleep.

Gaara's had his fair share of suffering.. let's just say it isn't pretty. So at exactly 10:48 PM, after his siblings were tucked in bed and sleeping soundly, the Kazekage strapped his gourd back on and took one final look in the mirror, taking a deep breath. He glanced over to the window and paced across the carpet, quiet as a mouse.

"Where do you think you're going?" A strict voice says from the doorway. He turns to see a displeased Temari. "I'm going for a walk," he mumbles and continues opening the window. "It's late, Gaara. Just stay here," she says, trying to persuade her little brother. "I'll come back," he says reassuringly. It wasn't easy to lie, but also necessary right now. "Promise?"

He glances out the window and exhales. "Promise."


Make sure nobody sees you leave
Hood over your head, keep your eyes down

It was quiet in Suna, which pleased Gaara. Nobody was out to stop or accuse him. It also shows that he's done a good job protecting the village from attackers.

Tell your friends you're out for a run, you'll be flushed when you return

At the gate, he took a final breath and nodded at the guards. They're not permitted to question the Kazekage, but even if they were nobody would dare. Not with the power he holds.

Take the road less traveled by, tell yourself you can always stop

Gaara knew he could stop. He knew he could turn back, run to his bed just to toss and turn all night like always. He could lay listlessly and dream of Lee, imagining his strong arms wrapped around his waste. He knew this could very easily end in punishment - but he can't find himself caring in the slightest.

What started in beautiful rooms ends with meetings in parking lots

But nothing beats the real thing. Once you get a taste of something, it's near impossible to stop. Rock Lee is a drug and he's constantly high. If his arms aren't tightly secured around his waist with his hands latched together so Gaara can't escape, he won't get a wink of sleep. Even if he is one of the strongest men in the world, having a taller and beefier boyfriend gives him a comfortable feeling inside of his heart.

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