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pairing: obito x deidara (I love these two gays too much it's unhealthy)
type: fluff
setting: konoha
era: end of shippuden
au: ✨they live✨ - part idek anymore

summary: mornings with the gays are very eventful.


Deidara groans and hits his phone repeatedly. "Shut up," he slurs, smacking the screen, but the alarm just won't turn off. "I said shut up!" He yells, throwing it at the wall. He hears a loud thud and squeals, glaring up in disappointment. "Oh fuck."

Ever since the war, Deidara has been living with Obito in the Hidden Leaf Village. From the outside they look like two psychopaths, because that's what they are. It's worse when they're together. In total, they've gotten five noise complaints - each for a different reason.

Either way, they're happy with each other in the comfort of their apartment. Deidara doesn't like certain things about the village, but he likes Obito. When everyone in the akatsuki would laugh at him, Tobi would stand up for the teenager. Plus, Konoha is much better than Iwa ever was to him. 

Some people expect Deidara to be a super forceful boyfriend; the type of person to yell at their significant other for doing something they disapprove of. However, that's not the case at all! Of course he picks on Obito (he's a cheeky young adult), but he doesn't really like to yell anymore. Too much noise can trigger OCD from his hellish years as a terrorist, so sometimes he'll remind his boyfriend to not do certain things. Deidara just wants them to live healthy lives. 

"Wha's that noise?" Obito murmurs from behind him, wrapping his arm around Deidara's waist and nuzzling his nose into his nape. "Let go," he demands, squirming out of his boyfriend's reach. "Deidara wait, where are you going?" He sits up and leans over the side of the bed, but gets pulled back by his boyfriend.

Deidara demands, "Let go of me!" Obito groans, wrapping his arms around Deidara's thigh. "Stay here," he whispers. "I wanna cuddle."

"I need to take a shower

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"I need to take a shower. We can cuddle later if that's what you really want, yeah." Obito pouts. "I want to now though!" 

The wind blows against their house just as Deidara expires. "Just let me go," he insists and ruffles Obito's hair. "Do you promise?" The blonde snickers and rubs his arm. "If you let me go, then yes, hm."

"Hmph.. Fine," he sulks, pushing Deidara away. "Fuck Tobi, I almost broke my nose, yeah! Don't push me, hm."

Deidara shuts the door to their built-in bathroom and looks into the mirror. Some days Deidara despises his image, some days he adores it. Sometimes he imagines himself looking completely different, but sometimes he praises himself for looking so ideal. He feels confident with a full face of makeup, though sometimes he finds it unnecessary. His mindset is very complex and diverse. 

Unfortunately, right now the bags which line his eyes pop.

He slides the glass door open and turns the handle to the left while lifting up his t-shirt. He strips then places his hand underneath the scolding hot water. (Deidara claims that hot showers wake him up.) "Ouch," he yelps and cranks the handle over to the right before he can burn himself again.

In their bedroom, Obito sulks for a few moments before deciding to do something productive with his life. Whenever Deidara takes his clothes off he throws it into the laundry basket, which leads to Obito antagonizing even the thought of laundry. Usually Dei gets stuck with it but as a young adult who missed out on the learning part of his teenage life, he's not used to doing chores. It's either do the laundry even though it will take forever or listen to a short Pomeranian boyfriend complain for half an hour.

Obito decides to lay back down. About ten minutes later he's tackled into the mattress. "Feel my legs, hm." 

"Why do I have to- Oh my gosh, I love them." Yes, Deidara is the coolest man alive but that doesn't mean he has no class. He's been shaving for eleven years now with no regrets. "I hate the feeling of hairy legs and shit," he said a few months ago.

Deidara runs his hand across the lower half of his boyfriend's face. "You need to shave." Obito hums. "I know."


I had nothing else to post sorry not sorry ❤ also I'm writing a ✨super epic✨ victuuri (yuri on ice) oneshot so if updates aren't as common, that's why :) thank you

762 words

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