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pairing: sasuke x naruto
type: fluff
setting: at naruto and sasuke's house on november first
era: both are twenty five :)
au: sasuke isn't constantly sent on missions and actually sees his boyfriend

summary: naruto has always loved the build-up to christmas.


Sasuke tussles in the sheets to the sound of plastic boxes being shoved around. He flops onto his stomach and buries his face into the dark pillow, ignoring the light which shines through their translucent curtains. Vivid memories of the previous night flood his mind. (Naruto took him to a fancy restaurant, and let's just say it didn't go exactly as planned.) 

Before crawling out of bed, Sasuke leans off of the side of their bed and picks up one of his boyfriend's shirts. He mopes into the bathroom to brush his teeth while considering all the possibilities of what his psychotic boyfriend could be doing at ten in the morning.

After brushing his teeth and flossing, Sasuke stomps down the stairs. "What the hell are you doing?" Naruto looks up and smiles at Sasuke, who gives the Uzumaki a horrified look.

The Christmas decorations.

Naruto scratches his neck awkwardly. "I wanted to surprise you," he says trying to think of a suitable excuse. "Idiot," Sasuke groans while striding into the kitchen with a truly disappointed expression. "Look at the bright side," Naruto chimes over the clinking of ornaments. "We get to have the tree up for longer! You should be thanking me!"

Ah, yes. The Christmas tree. It's one of Sasuke's favorite traditions, believe it or not. "I guess." Sasuke turns to the coffee maker and jumps onto the counter. "Wanna help me put it up later?" Naruto asks and walks in between Sasuke's legs, kissing his cheek.

Sasuke groans. "What's in it for me?"

"I'll give you a super cool present," the blonde offers with a cheeky grin. A 'super cool present'? Sasuke wonders, trying to think of different possibilities. 'Knowing Naruto it'll probably be a picture of himself or something.' Out of sheer possibilities, Sasuke puffs and whispers, "Fine."


This is worse than last night. Sasuke's in the kitchen making hot chocolate while ignoring Naruto's 'shrieks of terror'. "Sasuke, I need your help!"

It truly is music to his ears.

Hesitantly but confidently, Sasuke glares at the future seventh. "Sometimes I fail to believe that this loser is going to be the hokage some day." Assisting Naruto in picking up rogue branches is a tough job, considering how horrendous Naruto's mess is. The smell of pine trees fills the air.

"Are you gonna get me everything I want for Christmas?" Naruto giggles towards his stoic boyfriend who simply rolls his eyes. He remains silent. Eventually he whispers, "Course I will."


They somehow managed to assemble the tree. "Now's for the fun part!" Naruto declares, turning towards their box full of ornaments. There are traditional ornaments that are just spheres, but there are also custom ones from Sasuke's childhood. Of course they've made some in the past few years as well; it's against Naruto's makeshift rules to not! There are many different types of decorations for their festive tree.

"Shouldn't we put the lights up first?" Sasuke mumbles, secretly praying for no response. He loathes putting up the lights. "Oh yeah!" Naruto smiles, crawling over to a different box. Well, there goes Sasuke's decent mood. "Tomorrow is gonna be a good day so we should be able to do the outside stuff in the evening."

Someone please give Sasuke a gun.

"Great," he says with sarcasm, sitting back to watch Naruto hopelessly untangle the lights. A few years ago he purchased changeable lights. With a handy-dandy remote, Naruto can do all sorts of things! Most obviously he can change the color of the lights, but also the way it fades or make it blink! The speed of those have multiple options.

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