Nothing feels same anymore

300 3 40

pairing: naruto x sasuke
type: angst
location: various
era: various

summary: naruto is not okay.

a/n: contains spoilers


i can't believe iruka-sensei put me on the same team as sasuke. i mean, why should a great ninja like me have to be on the same team as a slug like sasuke?

and what else sucks is that sakura thinks i'm annoying! like, are you kidding me? i am not annoying! i'm amazing and strong and powerful! she'll regret that someday. when i marry a pretty girl that isn't her, she'll regret that moment and get on her knees to beg for my hand in marriage.

and sasuke even upset her. you know how i know? 'cause i ran after sasuke and saw that sakura was sulking by the bench after he finished talking to her! i just know he said something super mean to her! he is such a jerk! also, i don't have any clue how the heck he got loose. if he was gonna escape my trap just to talk to sakura he could've at least said something nice. i mean, all she wants is for sasuke to accept her!

if i were sasuke, i'd give her anything and everything she wanted!


the mission old man hokage gave us was suppose to be a d-ranked mission. we were gonna escort some old geezer to his country then get a few bucks for doing it, but it turned into much more! this big strong guy with a sword made the air all misty and then kakashi-sensei had to fight. after he 'beat the guy' we kept walking, but we ended up getting tricked by this girl-man thing! see, it looked like a girl but he was really a boy! is that even possible!?

anyway, the person said they wanted to be my friend, but i had to fight 'em with sasuke. he had super weird mirror things to fight with and sasuke almost died, so i was super sad. but it's okay 'cause he isn't dead yet. i wouldn't care, but without sasuke i would be kinda lonely. at least sakura would like me instead of a lame-o like him!

yeah, anyway we did the mission and all is well.


today i met a geezer. he is also a pervert who likes to peak at girls in the hot springs. it's sick if you ask me. now he is my sensei because i begged him to and he finally gave in. now i have a geezer sensei who i will call pervy-sage. it's better than ebisu i guess, but i wish it were kakashi-sensei or iruka-sensei. they're cool and aren't perverts.

maybe he'll teach me amazing jutsu so i can surpass the hokage's, 'cause that is gonna happen. i know it. you can't even deny it because if you do then you're not right.


i can't believe i beat gaara - and that beast thing! the one-tails beast thing! yeah, because when i saw him fight in round three he beat bushy brow, so he must be super strong already. bushy brow beat sasuke and that means he's really powerful since sasuke is so strong. i don't like to admit it but everyone else does. just don't tell anyone i said this - especially kiba because he'll pick on me! so will sasuke! and ino probably would too.

all i have to say about sasuke is he deserved that for being such a selfish brat. he always takes credit for everything which makes sakura like him even more. it's so unfair! i would've won the festival if that snake man didn't ruin everything. we really wanted to fight each other so hopefully we'll get another opportunity! i'll pummel him to the ground and show everyone who's really boss.


pervy-sage took me on a mission to find an old lady. apparently he was asked to be the hokage since old man died, but he said 'no' so now we need to find his friend. personally i just think he's being a sicko who wants to spy on some woman, but you never know. maybe she's pretty like he says, but pervy-sage is old and i'm pretty sure she is too. old people are usually ugly. especially men, but i've seen some super ugly girls. it's like you shrivel up into a ball of lice when you're an elder.

except for mr. ramen guy. he is super cool even though he's an old man.


that mission was super long, plus i almost died. orochimaru had to fight pervy-sage and granny, and luckily they lived. but orochimaru is still alive. he did bad things to his old teammates but it's okay, because granny gave me a necklace. it was hers, but she gave it to me for learning chidori faster than the fourth hokage. i think it is well deserved.

she also said i am going to be hokage. take that, sasuke. i'm smarter than you and always will be!


sasuke just got pummelled by his brother who was trying to kidnap me. i think sasuke heard and ran to come save me, which i think is nice.

we're friends now.

i'm a little angry at him though because me and pervy-sage showed up and tried to help sasuke fight itachi and his other akatsuki friend, but he wanted to fight his brother alone. he got really hurt and choked. i want to kill itachi now.

i am also angry with pervy-sage because he showed up with a woman over his shoulder. the woman was not conscious. it embarrassed me a lot and i yelled at him for it. now i will be embarrassed if i ever meet the akatsuki members again, but i know i will 'cause i'm gonna kill them for hurting sasuke. plus they're bad people and then i'll be hokage. everyone will appreciate me!


the other day shikamaru woke me up and was like, 'sasuke isn't here. he left.' and i was like, 'you're kidding!' so granny sent me, shikamaru, neji, kiba and choji to go save him from the bad people. i think it was orochimaru's assistant kids that got him.

we had to fight a lot and while i was fighting a weird bone guy, lee showed up! apparently he ran away from the hospital. he also seemed drunk. i later learned that he was drunk, but i didn't ask why. i should probably do that later.

lee said that gaara showed up to fight for him because he was losing.

i had to fight sasuke. it was super long and we both got hurt. i regret not doing as much because he got away... and it's my fault. i let him get away and i'm super angry! what does he want from orochimaru, anyway? why'd he have to leave us? i thought he liked me and sakura and sensei!

i really miss sasuke...


i miss naruto. i want to go back.

 i want to go back

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this pains me. I've been writing it for weeks and weeks but it's finally done.

1200 words

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