give me what i want

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pairing: one-sided sasuke x naruto
type: angst
setting: konoha
era: about 20 y/o

summary: he just simply couldn't give her what she'd wanted for all those years.

trigger warnings: use of the f slur


Sasuke Uchiha loves Sakura Haruno and only her.

Sasuke Uchiha is a straight male.

Sasuke Uchiha will start a family with Sakura Haruno and avenge his clan.

Sasuke Uchiha hates Naruto Uzumaki.

That was how his story was suppose to go. He'd start a beautiful family with Sakura and they'd live a peaceful life together. May death do them part.

Or may Sasuke's true love do them part.

The two argue quite frequently, which is unfortunate since nobody on this tragic planet we call Earth enjoys bickering. It's clamorous, demented and dangerous. Not to mention this was the third time that week the two have been caught up in a quarrel.

Sasuke has found them arguing more frequently than the past months of their relationship - and the name 'Naruto Uzumaki' usually blasts around their shared apartment. It's no secret that Sakura is homophobic, and that's why Naruto's name is such a burden nowadays. She demands attention from Sasuke who constantly is with his best friend. Okay, not constantly. They barely see each other nowadays. But, it's frequent enough to make Sakura angry about it (which doesn't take much).

"It's almost like you're in love with him," she spits. "It's.. it's disgusting! Revolting!" Sasuke continues reading his book while ignoring his loud-mouthed girlfriend. Honestly, he desperately wants to break up with her. He wants to so bad that it's amusing, but right now is the worst time to do so. She'd throw a fit and the next month would be literal hell. "Leave me alone," Sasuke pleads with a monotone voice. He'd like to spend his night at home with himself, thank you very much. "No, we are not done with this!" She yells, tossing the book away, ruffling the pages and leaving it forgotten across the room. "Why do you hang out with Naruto so much, huh Sasuke?"

He glares at her with an annoyed glance. "Why are you such a bitch?"

She scoffs and draws her hand to her chest. "I can't believe you!" Sakura sobs. "After all I've done for you, and you.. you're just a faggot!" Sasuke growls and stands up. "Never call me that," he threatens, sharingan activated. She steps back cautiously and hops atop their bed. "Sakura, we don't work. I tried to love you but you're not my type," Sasuke scowls, his eyes aglow and his stance uneven. "You always pick fights over the stupidest shit and I'm sorry, but I don't want this as much as you think I do. I never have." Blunt as always it seems.

To say Sasuke is using her would be incredibly false. Some people may endeavor in the fact that Sasuke is using Sakura to raise his children, but that is just not true. Sasuke and Sakura have never even had sex, let alone discussed children. Of course Sakura is aware of his avenger goal, but the topic is too vague to discuss right now. 

Sasuke wants to love Sakura. He prays, and prays everyday pleading for a true love with Sakura. He wants to marry a woman. He wants to fall in love with a woman, and he wants a stable relationship with the girl - but that's never been possible. 

The first time Sasuke showed attraction for Naruto was after their first kiss. Yes, it was an accident. That much is obvious - but lit a fire inside of his heart. The gentle pink lips that caressed his for those brief moments sparked a fragment inside of him and now, he thinks back to the event an unhealthy amount. The image of the jinchuuriki unknowingly taunts him all over, specifically in his heart and down low.

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