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pairing: sasuke x naruto, one-sided sasusaku, one-sided naruhina
type: angst
setting: various
era: boruto

summary: sasuke just needs everyone and then some.


sasuke does not live your average life. he lives a very out of the ordinary one.

his sky is not blue. it's usually some other color, ranging from purple to red. this is because he takes on missions that involve him going to mysterious or unknown destinations. he searches for lost items sometimes, and these can be across the world from konoha.

nobody knows his name anymore. he doesn't go around telling people his name is sasuke uchiha, it's concealed. if someone asks for his name, he can choose to not answer them.

in his world, he is much taller, depending on the section of the world. sometimes sasuke feels as if he holds more power than entire civilizations.

and to him, the girls don't call for him, and sakura doesn't either. only naruto.

after his fight with naruto, he wonders what his chakra flow is like. is it normal, or did those punches takes some hits to his vital spots? he feels fine, but sometimes he can feel those critical areas inside of him on fire.

naruto really game him chills that day. it was insane to see how he fought after that many years. it was an entirely different fight than when they were thirteen. his hairs stand on end and a chill runs down his spine at the thought of the punch naruto threw at his jaw. he's lucky it was never broken because that's what it looked like at the time.

now, on the outskirts of the village, sasuke feels the wind whirl his hair around. it covers his view of the beautiful village, the hidden leaf. naruto has done a wonderful job as hokage thus far.

the wind gusts particularly hard, signaling sasuke that a storm is bound to happen tonight. of course it's the night that he's in the village.

sasuke isn't going to his house, though. he wouldn't think to go there in a million years because of the way it makes his heart throb with eternal misconduct. sasuke is ashamed of himself for marrying sakura and having a child with her only to never see them.

he leaps down as the wind propels once again and quickly leaps across buildings to find naruto's house. his mind has been blank for the past few minutes with the one goal of finding the hokage.

when he finally arrives, he knocks sternly but not hard enough to startle the family of four. it's hinata that answers, and with a soft expression. "hello sasuke," she smiles at him. sasuke immediately replies, "hi. where's naruto?" hinata simply looks up at him, and he adds, "i need to speak to him."

"he's still at the hokage's office," she explains, much to sasuke's bewilderment. "thanks," he eventually replies and turns around to run to the office.

'what is that idiot doing at the office so damn late!?' his mind screams. 'he's overworking himself.'

peacefully walking past the guards to make it inside, sasuke nonchalantly makes his way up the stairs, his body manually moving for itself. he continues stepping and stepping up the stairs until he's one hundred percent sure that nobody else is around and starts walking with power to the oval-shaped office.

after an eternity, he's met with a brown door. it's tall and probably costs a fortune. with a shaky breath, sasuke knocks. two seconds pass before naruto calls, "come in." his voice is drowsy and holds a certain depression that sasuke is unable to identify. it captivates his true exhaustion and doesn't hold his typical energetic tone.

it's obvious: naruto isn't satisfied with the life he has.

he opens the door and steps inside. at the same time, naruto stands up and stares at sasuke. breathless, he continues looking at the uchiha. "hey," naruto breathes. "why are you here?"

sasuke steps forward to get a closer look at naruto's face. his eyebags droop and the lips that are a few inches away from his mirror the same chapped feeling. he eventually notices naruto's obvious blush. it indicates that he bleeds like sasuke.

he wonders if naruto can feel it, too.

"where are your shoes?" naruto eventually asks, pulling away and sitting in his chair. sasuke looks down at his bare feet. "i left them in the street."

naruto's mouth hangs open a tad bit. "why'd you do that, stupid?"

sasuke shrugs. he considers revealing why. he doesn't answer as to keep their 'friendship' steady.

he analyzes the mountains of paperwork that outline the perimeter of the office. "why do you have to do so much work? kakashi never had to do this much." naruto laughs and stretches a little. "yeah he did. he was probably just quicker." sasuke displays an astounded facial expression as he shakes his head. "no," he spins around on his heels, "he didn't."

naruto pouts a little and sasuke looks out the window, overviewing konoha. "why'd you come here?" naruto asks, standing up and walking over to the shadow hokage. he doesn't reply, though, and instead continues observing his hometown.

sasuke turns to face naruto and looks him dead in the eye as he accuses, "you're not happy, are you?" speechless at the hasty question. "what, no! i am!" he lies, forcing a smile. "what makes you think that?" sasuke gives naruto a small push on his shoulder. "i know you're lying," he states. "you're not happy because i'm never here, and because you're overworking yourself so you don't get any sleep. that's making you feel out of it."

his expression is priceless. naruto looks like he wants to cry or laugh and it's not easy to tell which.

"well, i guess part of that's cool. it would be nice if you were here a little more and this work can get overwhelming." he does and awkward turn. "but that's not making me depressed or anything. that's silly."

"you're not happy with hinata, are you?"

silence. "what did you just ask?" sasuke shakes his head at naruto's stupidity. "i asked you a question."

"and i asked you a question!" naruto shoves sasuke against the wall. "you can't just ask shit like that!"

sasuke watches naruto's expression deeply during the entire scenario. his eyes were unusually furrowed, but they also showed confusion and frustration. they also had a clear gloss coated over them. his mouth was slightly curved downwards in a heartbreaking frown. he continues to stare into his blue eyes, survey his mouth, ears, nose - his entire face - until he wiggles his wrist out of naruto's rough grip.

he watches as naruto comes undone and finally let's it out. his emotions unravel and he immediately allows himself to fall into sasuke's longing embrace. naruto buries his head in sasuke's neck, and the uchiha hums very quietly. he can feel naruto's soft tears run across his pale neck.

naruto eventually looks up and wipes the side of sasuke's neck with his sleeve. "sorry," he murmurs and deflects the gaze of his old teammate.

with his dark sleeve, sasuke wipes the tears away.

"kiss me," naruto lip-syncs and almost prays for no reaction, but sasuke's sharp eye catches it and in an instant his petite lips onto naruto's, finally getting his wish. naruto wraps both of his arms around sasuke's neck as sasuke moves his hand up to cup his cheek. from below, the village can see their hokage finally happy with his shadow hokage.

for twenty four years, sasuke has pressured himself into thinking that he was better off alone. he left his daydreams at the gate because he wasn't able to take them through, and he abandoned his heart because the suitcase was too heavy. he was a loner... but he needs someone.


my heart just melted brb-

1317 words

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