19. | Insecurities |

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19. | Insecurities |


I have a bestfriend named Abby. She's always there when I needed her the most. At all times she's by my side. She supports me, she appreciates me, she values me, she's proud of me.

“My bestfriend have 25k reads in her story on wattpad. Amazing, isn't it? She deserves more. She's a handy writer!”

She's often vaunting me to her friends. She said she's my number one supporter and reader. And she's always certifying it.

“I wanted to be writer just like you so we can write a story together. I'd love to collaborate with you!”

I just gave her a forgery smile and faced my laptop to continue writing.

She stayed by my side all day, watching me, lauding me, giving me what I want, she even feeds me. She's really my supporter.

“This is from Allen, he said he liked the poem you gave to him so in return, he's giving you this!”

Abby handed me a chocolate. I grabbed it with a big smile on my face.

The man I admire the most finally noticed me!

But my smile quickly faded when I saw a sticky note at the back of it.

“Tell him I loved it.” I said and turned my back at her.

I stared at my bestfriend whilst she's busy taking a picture with the sunset. She grabbed me here at the rooftop so we can watch the sunset together. She's very fond of it.

“It's really magnificent!” I heard her exclaimed while a beautiful smile planted on her pretty and angelic face.

I clenched my fist as I stared her madly.

Why she has to be that pretty?

Why she has to be an angel?

Why people love her more than me?

I am more talented. I am more capable of doing anything.

But it is still not enough.

She's the one whom they admire and not me.

And will not gonna be me.

“Sammy, come here!” She cheerfully said.

I smirked. “Sure.”

I took a steps toward her, still smiling devilishly. When I finally reached beside her, I stared at her once again because I know, this will be the last.

“Abby. . .” I called her name sweetly.


“You knew I never grateful for having a bestfriend like you. You know why? Because it sucks. Seeing your face everyday is disgusting, especially when you keep following me like a dog. It makes me want to vomit whenever you express how much you admire me. Abby, I hate you and you will never be my bestfriend.”

Her lips parted and she broke into tears.

“W-Why, Sammy? Tell me why?!” She yelled at me, pain is written on her face.

I laughed and leaned closer to her.

“You wanna know why? Because you keep stealing what I want!”

After saying that, I pushed her hardly causing her to fell on the ground. And I'm so sure my bestfriend is now a history.

“Goodbye, bestfriend.” I laughed softly and left the rooftop.


Lably's Note :

Insecurities can also kill friendship, you know.

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