Chapter 3

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The next day Barry and Caitlin woke up smiling at each other. They did not expect it to get that heated but once it did the just decided to roll with it. Barry got up and started to cook breakfast while Caitlin was in the shower. When Caitlin was done with her shower, she walked in to the kitchen to see that Barry had cooked eggs and bacon for them to eat. After the ate Barry sped to his apartment so that he could shower and get dress and headed to CCPD for work that day.

When he got to there, he was called into Capt. Singh's office. The Capt. Asked "So when are we going to see the Flash back in action Allen?"

"I am not really sure yet Capt. something has to happen first and we also have to keep a low profile to keep Thawne from catching on to us." Barry said.

"I understand that Allen. Just know that I am glad to have you back at work after the coma." Singh said.

"Thank You Capt." said Barry.

Barry went up to his office to get some work done. He did it at normal speed so that he did not get done to quick and make people suspicious. When he finished all of his work it was close to lunch time so he decided to call Caitlin and see if she wanted to meet him for lunch at Jitters. She said yes and the next thing she knew he there and picked her up and sped to Jitters.

"I was not expecting you come and pick me up like that. I thought you would let me drive my car." Said Caitlin with a smile.

"I didn't think that you would object with me doing that because it gives us more time to sit here and talk. And plus, it will take me no time to get you back so we can have more time with each other." Said Barry.

They got their sandwiches and coffee and went to sit down. They sat there and talked for about and hour then Barry and Caitlin walked into the alley and he sped them back to STAR Labs. When they got there the alarm was going off.

Cisco walked over to Barry's old suit and showed it to him. He whispered "You will have to wear this suit until we stop Thawne. If he sees the other one, he will know something is up."

Barry nodded and asked "So who are we up against Cisco?"

"This guy can control the weather so I thought that maybe we should call him Weather Wizard." Cisco said for the purposes of Thawne being there.

"Ok do we have any idea of how to stop him?" Barry asked.

Caitlin walked over to the group and started to explain a theory she had. "I think since this Weather Wizard can control the weather that there has to be some kind of way to neutralize it. Maybe some kind of tech that can make his weather dissipate." Caitlin said.

"I think I can come up with something. Do you think you can help me Dr. Well?" Cisco asked and the Doctor nodded as they went down to Cisco's lab.

Barry went out and saved Joe and Eddie from Weather Wizard but he did not stop him because he needed the wand for that.

"Why didn't you stop him Barry. I mean its not like you do know how?" Joe asked.

"Cisco and Wells are working on something for that now." Barry said and Joe knew what he meant.

Barry sped back to STAR Labs and saw that Cisco and Wells had finished making the wand. They showed him how to use is and all they had to do now was wait for Weather Wizard to attach again and he would be ready.

"Dr. Wells do you think that we can start with my training tomorrow? I would like to see if there is any way that I can get faster." Barry said.

"I think that would be a good idea Mr. Allen. Meet us at the air field at ten in the morning." Dr. Wells said.

"I'll be there." Barry said.

Barry hung around the lab for a while until he finally got the alarm that Weather Wizard was attaching again. He sped off to CCPD because that is where Joe was and when he got there, he saw that there was a storm forming inside of the building, so he went inside to see if the wand would work. He turned it on and it started to suck the whole storm into it. Weather Wizard turned toward the Flash and tried to strike him with lightening but was unable to because the wand had neutralized him.

Weather Wizard said "What happened to my power?"

"You see this wand. It was made by some friends of mine and what it did was neutralize you so that you were not a harm to anyone." Barry said.

He ran up and punched Weather Wizard hard enough to knock him out and he sped him back to STAR Labs so that he could lock him up in the pipeline. After he did that, he went back up to talk to his friends for a while before going back to CCPD to see if there was any more work for him to do. He finished the work that was on his desk and he decided that he would go home to his apartment. When he got there, he saw Caitlin waiting at the door.

"You know if we keep on going to each other's apartments every night we might should move into together." Barry said with a smile.

"Is that and invitation Mr. Allen." Caitlin said.

"If you want it to be Dr. Snow." Barry said.

"I don't know if I am ready for that yet. But I will let you know when I am." Caitlin said.

Caitlin could hear Frost in her head saying "What the hell are you talking about. You know you are going to stay tonight. You might as well move in. If you don't make a move you know I will just like last night."

Caitlin just laughed and Barry looked at her and asked "What were you laughing at?"

"Just something that Frost said" Caitlin said.

They walked into the apartment and ate dinner and watched a whole movie this time. After that Barry made a move so that neither Caitlin or Frost didn't have to this time. They ended up sleeping in each other's arms just as they had the night before.

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