Chapter 13

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After the weekend of their wedding was over Barry and Caitlin decided that it was best for right now to just work on getting STAR Labs up and operating again. They would go on a honeymoon after they had worked all of that out. The first thing that Barry had to so though was to go see Capt. Singh and tender his resignation. "Why are you quitting the police force Allen?" Singh asked.

"I was left STAR Labs by Thawne, and I would like to get that up and running and see if we can make it would it should have been all along. A place that can help the city and its people." Barry said.

"Well, I am sad to see you go, but it sounds like you will always be helping out this city in some way." Singh said.

"If you ever need the Flash don't hesitate to call. Also, I am going to have Cisco working on a lot of stuff that would be useful to CCPD. We will let you know when we have something new for you to try." Barry said.

Singh nodded and Barry left the office to go back to STAR Labs to get to work. When he got there, he saw that Caitlin was on her phone talking to someone. "Who was that that you were just talking to?" Barry asked.

"That was Oliver. He said to tell you that they had a lot of fun this past weekend. The reason why he really called though, was to make sure that I knew how to make the cure for Mirakuru. They had a break in at QC's Applied Sciences building." Caitlin said.

"Did you know that this is when I met Oliver on the old earth? I went there to investigate this case and hoping that I would meet the Arrow because I was thinking that maybe he could help me find who killed my mom." Barry said.

"I didn't know that. I bet you didn't think that when you went to STAR City you would have met someone that thinks of you as a brother." Caitlin said.

"No, I didn't. But now he is one of my best friends." Barry said with a smile.

Barry then went to see Cisco and see what he was doing. When he got into Cisco lab, he said "Hey man, what are you up to?"

"I am working on something like our rings that we can give to every policeman in the city. Maybe not with all the bells and whistles of our rings, but maybe with a force field or something like that." Cisco said.

"That sounds cool. Well I have a few things that I need you to work on when you get the chance." Barry said.

"What do you need man?" said Cisco.

"I want you to start working on the meta cure. I think we might can fool Zoom by giving him that instead of my speed. We also need to block off the pipeline from anyone other than the people on Team Flash. We don't need anyone knowing what is really going on here. We also need to move the cortex somewhere else that is blocked off as well. You think you and Ronnie can handle that?" asked Barry.

"I will get on that as soon as possible so we can get this place up and running." Cisco said and Barry nodded before going to check on some of the other progress being made in the building.

Barry then went to check on Jesse who was working on her own project. He saw that she was concentrating on something really hard so he asked, "Anything that I can help you with?"

"Yeah. You might be able to help me out with this. I know you said that Thawne was about to make his own negative speed force so I was thinking that we could maybe make our own speed force in case something happens to the one we are using now." Jesse said.

"Show me what you have so far, and I might have some ideas. Hold on. Let me go and see if I can somehow find Nora's journal. She wrote in there how to create an artificial speed force." Barry said as he sped into the time vault to see if the journal was there.

When he got back to Jesse's desk, he had the journal and was looking through it until he found what he was looking for. He gave the journal to Jesse and she looked at it and smiled because she knew what she had to do now. "I just have to find a way to harness positive energy instead of negative energy like Thawne did. With what we know from this journal it will be easy to make an artificial speed force." Jesse said.

"What do you need from me?" Barry asked.

"When I get everything ready to go, I will need anyone that will be connected to this speed force to be here so that we can run into it and become connected to its energy." Jesse said.

"Well let me know when it is ready, and Wally and I will be here." Barry said.

Barry was really impressed with what everyone was working on so far considering that they really hadn't even opened up yet. He knew that he made the right decision to open STAR Labs now instead of staying at the CCPD. Barry, Caitlin, Cisco and Jesse were all in the cortex eating their lunch and just hanging out when the alarms for the building started to go off. "Well at least those are working this time around." Cisco said.

Barry look at Cisco and said "Yeah at least we won't get snuck up on this time around. So, is this person in the building or are they stuck outside?"

"They are stuck outside. If you do not have a code, you can't get in no matter who you are. The building is locked down." Cisco said.

"You have really outdone yourself this time Cisco." Caitlin said.

Cisco nodded his head and then said, "Well let's see who is trying to get in shall we."

Cisco pulled up the camera outside the front doors and they saw who was there. It was Hunter Zolomon. They had to make it look like they didn't know who he was, so Cisco turned on an intercom and asked, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"My name is Jay Garrick and I am here to help you save your city." Zolomon said.

A/N: Please leave reviews to let me know what you think. I am always open to any new ideas, so please leave your suggestions as well.

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