Chapter 45

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Over the next couple of days, members of Team Flash had been stopping Ramsey from getting his hand on any dark matter. They were having to watch him constantly to make sure that he didn't get his hands on any from the black market. They decided to have a meeting with all of the team members to discuss what they were going to do to stop Ramsey.

"We can't just keep following him around twenty-four hours a day. We need to figure something out quick." Cisco said.

"I agree. I mean we probably could get him locked up if we find him trying to by from people on the black market." Barry said.

"That could work but I don't think he is a bad guy. He is just going about this in the wrong way." Jesse said.

"I have an idea. I don't know if it will work but it might be worth a try." Caitlin said.

"Well we are all ears. None of us have come up with any good ideas so let's see what you have." Cisco said.

"I think that we could give him his memories back and he might change his mind about all of this if he sees what he did on the old earth." Caitlin said.

"That's not a bad idea. It could work, but then again it could bite us in the ass." Barry said.

"Yeah it could, but I would like to give Ramsey the benefit of the doubt. We have known each other for a long time, and I know he is not a bad person at heart." Caitlin said.

"Ok, we will try this then. I still won't you to finish with the cell just in case this does not work, and we need to look him up Cisco and Ronnie." Barry said and the other two nodded.

"I was going to work with Ramsey today and see if we could find a way to make the cure without dark matter. I will use the ring on him then and see what happens." Caitlin said.

"Ok, be careful." Barry said as he gave Caitlin a kiss as she left to meet with Ramsey.

Thirty minutes later Caitlin walked into Ramsey's lab to see him hard at work on try to make a cure without the dark matter. She walked up beside him so that she could see what he was working on.

"You have any luck yet?" Caitlin asked.

"No, not yet. The best way I can figure to get it to work is dark matter, but you and your friends won't give me any from STAR Labs, so I guess I will have to find a way to do it without the dark matter." Ramsey said.

"I am sorry that we couldn't help you with that, but it is just too dangerous, and it could cause a new breakout in metahumans if we use the dark matter." Caitlin said.

"I understand where you are coming from. I just don't see another way." Ramsey said.

"Well, I am here to help you with that. I think with the both of us working together we can come up with something." Caitlin said.

"I am sure you are right. So, what is with the weird ring on your finger?" Ramsey asked.

"Oh this. I will show you what it does. It might hurt a little though." Caitlin said as she reached out and touched Ramsey's arm with the ring and then she could tell that his memories were coming back.

"What the hell was that?" Ramsey asked.

"That was me giving you your memories back from the old earth. Do you see now why we will not let you have the dark matter from STAR Labs?" Caitlin asked.

"I do. I went about everything all wrong when we were on the old earth. Hopefully the two of us can put our heads together and figure something out for a cure though." Ramsey said.

"I hope so. We don't need you to be locked up on this earth. You are too important to the world to be locked up." Caitlin said.

"I was thinking that maybe, we could use some of yours and Barry's blood to help with making the cure. You both are able to heel rapidly." Ramsey said.

"I will get that to you as soon as possible. No, offense but I would rather take blood samples at my lab." Caitlin said.

"I understand completely. Just let me know when it is ready and then we can start working on a cure." Ramsey said.

"Ok, well I need to go. I will give you a call on the next several days to setup another time for us to work on that." Caitlin said.

"Sounds good. I will see you later Caitlin." Ramsey said as Caitlin was leaving his lab.

After Ramsey was sure that Caitlin was gone, he picked up his phone and dialed a number and waited for an answer. When the person answered, Ramsey said, "I will meet you tonight at eight at the old steel factory."

Ramsey hung up his phone and kept working on the cure hoping that he would not have to use dark matter this time around. After an hour of working he decided it was time to go and meet his contact. When Ramsey got to the factory, he saw a man waiting for him. The other guy pulled a vile out of his pocket that contained dark matter and gave the guy money in exchange for the vile.

Ramsey got back to his office and did the same thing he did on the old earth and he became Bloodwork again.

"I can't believe Caitlin trusted me after all I did on the other earth. How stupid could she be." Ramsey said to himself.

Ramsey then started to go out into the city turning people into his brainless zombies like he did last time.

"I need to be smarter about this this time around. I don't need Caitlin and Barry finding that easily." Ramsey said as he was walking down the street changing people as he went.

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