Chapter 14

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As much as Barry wanted to, he could not fake playing nice with another villain, so he changed his mind about the tactics they would use against Zolomon. He was not going to let him in and be a part of the team like he was on the old earth. Barry got on the intercom and said, "I will come out there and you can tell me what you need to tell me then you can leave."

"I guess that's fair enough. I am just trying to help though." Zolomon said.

"We have enough help in here. All I need from you is to know what you mean by you are here to help me save this city. I already enough people that I trust." Barry said.

"OK." Zolomon said.

Barry walked to the front door with Caitlin as backup because she could freeze Zoom if he tried anything. Once they got there, they opened the door and walked outside.

"Ok, so tell me what you know." Barry said.

"I am here to warn you about a speedster named Zoom. He is coming here to take your speed. He has already done it to every other speedster he has gone up against, including me." Zolomon said.

"So, what is his plan?" Barry asked.

"He normally sends other meta-humans to attack other speedster so that they get faster. Once they are fast enough, he will find a way to force them to give up their speed." Said Zolomon.

"Well that's not going to happen. Thanks for your help but I think we have this covered." Barry said.

Zolomon nodded and walked away and Barry and Caitlin went back into the building and turned the security system back on. When they got back to the cortex, Cisco said "Well I think he gave us everything we need to know. We just need to get the cure ready and find out who is going to be the bait. He won't show up unless he has something to leverage so that you will give him your speed."

"I hate using people as bait, but I know it is probably the only way. Cisco go on and get to work on the cure. The sooner we get that done the sooner we can get rid of Zoom for good." Barry said and everyone nodded.

Everyone went back to working on getting STAR Labs back in running shape. Barry went to see Wally and Ronnie working on building the new command center that was hooked to the pipeline so that it was a separate part of the building so only authorized people could enter. "So, how is the new lair coming along?" Barry asked.

"It is coming along, but it is going to take a while because we are making it like the time vault so that it is hidden, and no one will know about it. The entrance will look like a wall with outsiders not knowing any different." Ronnie said.

"Sounds good. Keep up the good work." Barry said.

He then went up and found Jesse taking a break in the lounge. Barry went and got him a coffee and then went to sit beside his cousin and said "Hey, so how do you like working here so far. I know you can't do much yet, but once we are up and running you and Caitlin will be working on some very important projects."

"I actually love it here. I have the freedom to work on projects that I never would at my old job and it also doesn't hurt that I get to work with my favorite cousin every day." Jesse said with a smile.

"So, what is the deal with you and Wally right now?" Barry asked.

"I think we are better off as just friends. Plus, your wife keeps trying to hook me up with Ronnie." Jesse said.

Barry smiled and said, "If you want me to get her to stop, I can try, but I can't guarantee it."

"No, its ok. I am actually thinking about taking her up on the offer. I mean he is kind of hot after all." Jesse said and she was starting to blush.

"Ok. Do you want me to tell her that you want her to set up the date? I am going to meet her now." Barry said.

"Yeah sure. Thanks cuz." Jesse said.

Barry nodded and left to go meet with Caitlin. When he got to her Lab, he knocked on the door and walked in. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and put his chin on her shoulder so he could see what she was working on her computer.

"Hey, what are you working on?" Barry asked.

"Oh, nothing much. Just a little something that I have been looking into for a while. So, what brings you by?" Caitlin asked.

"I just got finished talking to Jesse and I think she might be ready to take you up on your offer of setting her up with Ronnie." Barry said.

"I am glad to hear that because I think Ronnie is into her too." Caitlin said.

"Well that good. So really what were your working on when I came in?" Barry asked.

Caitlin looked down at the ground because she did not know how Barry would feel about this. "I have been looking at adoption for the past couple of months. I just think that it would be good to take someone who needs a home into our family. I mean, I know we will have our own kids someday, but this just feels right to me." Caitlin said.

"I actually can agree with you on that. So, show me what you have done so far." Barry said.

"I have already filled out the forms. I just need to turn them in. I was thinking that we could adopt out of group home and get an older child unless you would like a baby better." Caitlin said.

"No, I am fine with an older child if that is what you want. Do you have someone in mind?" Barry asked.

Caitlin nodded her head and pointed toward that picture on her screen. It was a picture of a thirteen-year-old Allegra Garcia. Barry nodded and said, "If we can find the right people to talk to at social services maybe we can make this work."

Caitlin nodded and said, "I always really liked her on the old earth, and I thinks with the right guidance she could end up being part of the team one day."

"Ok, so you do whatever paperwork that needs to be done then we can go talk to the social workers if they think we are a good fit for adopting a child." Barry said as Caitlin nodded and got back to work on the adoption papers.

A/N: I'm not sure exactly how adoption works but I liked that idea of them adopting Allegra since she is already kind of part of Team Flash. Please leave reviews of what you think of the story so far and let me know if you have any Ideas for future chapters and I might use them. Thanks for reading.

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