Chapter 38

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A few days later Team Flash got a call from Mrs. DeVoe telling them that she found a way to get into the alternant dimension so that they could end DeVoe's threat before it ever started.

"I will give you the location to enter the other dimension and your friend can breach you in." Mrs. DeVoe said.

"Ok. We will be there. We just need you to keep him busy while we are in there." Barry said.

"I will do what I can. You will need to act quickly though, because he might figure it out if I try to distract him too much." Mrs. DeVoe said.

"That shouldn't be a problem. So, where do I have to be and when do I have to be there." Barry asked.

"Be at 5th and Main at nine tonight. You can open the breach there." Mrs. DeVoe said.

"Ok, thanks for the information." Barry said as he hung up the phone and turned to his team to tell them what was going on.

"I don't know. Something seems funny about this. It all just seems a little too easy." Cisco said.

"Yeah, but we have to take the chance. If we wait for to long DeVoe will find a way to create the metas that he needs." Barry said.

"Good point. I think we have to do this. It might be the only chance we have." Caitlin said.

"I agree. It is too good of an opportunity to pass up." Jesse said.

"Ok, so we are in agreement with what we have to do right?" Barry asked.

"Yeah, we go into his lair and destroy everything. His thinking cap, his robotic chair, and all of the computers so that he can't make the cap or his chair again. Then after that we use the cure on him so that he is back to his normal intelligence." Ronnie said.

"Ok, looks like we have a plan, so all we have to do right now is wait for the right time." Caitlin said.

That night at nine Barry, Caitlin, Jesse, and Cisco went to 5th and Main to find the breach to enter DeVoe's lair. Ronnie had gone as Firestorm to keep an eye out at DeVoe's house making sure that he didn't suspect anything. Once Cisco found out where the breach was, he opened it so that the team could enter DeVoe's lair.

Once the team was inside, they put bombs on all of the computers and DeVoe's chair so that they could destroy everything. Barry then found the cap laying on a table and put it in the chair so that it would be destroyed with everything else. Once they were done setting the explosives, they all left through the breach before everything started to blow up.

They gave everything a few minutes, then they decided to go back in and make sure everything was destroyed that needed to be. Barry saw that everything was destroyed so he said "Ok, let's get back to the cortex and discuss what to do next."

Everyone nodded and headed back to the cortex. Barry made sure that Firestorm knew to regroup at the cortex as well. When everyone was their Barry said, "Now we need to get the cure to DeVoe so that he will not be as smart as he is right now."

"That sounds good but how are you planning on getting near him?" Caitlin asked.

"Well, I could always flash in and give it to him before he knows what is going on, but then people will think I am a bad guy because we all know that DeVoe has surveillance cameras. Anyone have any ideas?" Barry asked.

"We can disable the camera's while you are there. Then I can breach you in and no one would know the difference." Cisco said.

"Sounds like a good idea, but I might have another one. I looked up some of DeVoe's records and he gets the flu shot around this time every year. If we can get in touch with Mrs. DeVoe again and tell her that I can give him the flu shot at their home, we will not need to break or breach into their home." Caitlin said.

"I think that is a good idea. We will try it that way. I will be outside in case he recognizes you." Barry said and got his cell phone and called Mrs. DeVoe to let her know what was going on.

"Cisco, you might still want to take out the camera's in case I have to get into the house for some reason." Barry said and Cisco nodded.

An hour later, Caitlin was standing at the door of the DeVoe house knocking on the door to let them know that she was there. Mrs. DeVoe opened the door and showed Caitlin into the sitting room so that she could give DeVoe his "flu shot".

"It was very nice of you to come out this way to give myself and my husband our flu shots." Mrs. DeVoe said.

"Well, I try to do this for all of the disabled around the city." Caitlin said.

"I really appreciate that. I know a lot of people can't afford to go to a doctor's office when they have all these bills to pay when a family member is disabled." DeVoe said.

Caitlin walked over to DeVoe and started to clean the area where she was going to give him the shot. "You do realize that I know why you are hear, don't you Dr. Snow. I will not allow you to give me that shot." DeVoe said.

"I don't have any other motive then to see you well through this flu season." Caitlin said.

"You know who I am, so I know what you are doing here. You want to give me the cure. I will not allow that to happen. Things might not have gone to plan so far but once I get into my lair, I will start to find a way to get everything going right again." DeVoe said.

"That might be a little tough being that we have already been there and blew everything up." Caitlin said.

"What? How did you do that? My wife and I are the only ones who know the way into my lair. DeVoe said.

"Well, we found a way in and now all of your research and everything is gone." Caitlin said.

"NO! This is not how everything was supposed to go. I was supposed to be ahead of your team but somehow you have known everything that I was going to do and have stopped it." DeVoe said.

"Sorry to disappoint." Caitlin said and then there was a flash of lightning in the room and a prick on DeVoe's arm showing that Barry had flashed in and gave him the cure.

Caitlin then turned to leave and go back to the cortex. When she got there, she saw that everyone else was there celebrating since they didn't have to worry about stopping the enlightenment anymore.

"Well, I am glad that went better than it did last time. Let's all have fun for a little while then we can go home for the night." Barry said and the group nodded as everyone loosened up for the first time in a while.

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