Chapter 41

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Team Flash was in the lair the next day trying to find out what they could on Cicada. They knew where to start looking but they didn't know if it was still Dwyer that was Cicada or not.

"Ok, so I looked up some stuff on Dwyer and with our satellites I was able to tell that he is a meta and seems like he has been since the particle accelerator exploded." Cisco said.

"Then why haven't we heard anything from him yet. I don't get why he has been so quite." Caitlin said.

"I think that it might have something to do with the fact that he never wanted his powers and tried to live a normal life." Cisco said.

"So, what is going to change that?" Barry asked.

"Two weeks ago, Grace Gibbins was attacked by a meta and she is in a coma in the hospital as we speak." Cisco said.

"I guess that would explain him going of the deep end then. Does Grace have powers this time around?" Barry asked.

"It doesn't seem that she does. She is just a normal girl this time around, so we don't have to worry about her time traveling trying to kill us." Cisco said.

"Well that is good. Maybe we will have some luck turn our way this time and we will be able to stop Dwyer sooner." Barry said.

"Took the words right out of my mouth." Cisco said.

Right then a breach opened, and Three girls and one boy stepped out and were shocked at what they saw as they looked around. Once of the girls was looking at everything in the lair and said, "This place looks a lot different in the future."

"Um, excuse me, but who are you kids?" Jesse asked.

"Oh, hey everyone, it's me Dawn." Dawn said.

"I was hoping that this wouldn't happen this time. You aren't working with Thawne, are you?" Barry asked.

"Of course not. I would never do that. Plus, he is still looked up in the speed force where you put him when you defeated him." Dawn said.

"Well that's a relief, but why are you all here?" Caitlin asked.

"Well the Monitor sent us here to help out with the rest of your big bads before Crisis. We are also here to fight with the heroes in Crisis." Dawn said.

"Ok, but who are they?" Barry asked.

"Come on Uncle Barry, you can't look at me and tell?" Another girl asked.

"I should have known, you look just like your mother, Mia." Barry said.

"Yeah, you always said so." Mia said.

"Well I would have to say that you must be Conner. You look very much like your father except for your eyes are your mother's." Caitlin said and Conner nodded.

"Which would make you Olivia. I can see both of your parents in you." Barry said and Olivia nodded.

"So, you all got into the hero game in the future?" Caitlin asked.

"Yeah, it was an easy choice for me. I had been raised in the league for my first five years of life. The others had more of a choice. Mia said.

"I just wanted to follow in yours's and mom's footsteps, so it wasn't a hard decision for me either." Dawn said.

"What about you two?" Caitlin asked looking at Conner and Olivia.

"I was always going to be the next Green Arrow because dad and I look so much alike people just thought that it was still the same guy out there." Conner said.

"I always wanted to be like mom and when I developed a Canary Cry, that is pretty much when I decided that I was going to be the Black Canary." Olivia said.

"And what is your codename Mia?" Barry asked.

"I go by Artemis and I still wear the orange suit that Uncle Cisco made me when I was younger." Mia said.

"How does that thing still fit you?" Cisco asked.

"I was surprised as well, when I really started to grow, and the suit still fit. I guess it has some kind of way to adapt to the person who wears it." Mia said.

"That's cool. I guess I just didn't think about that being as though most of the people I have made the rings for are not going to grow anymore." Cisco said.

"What's your code name Dawn?" Barry asked.

"I go by Impulse." Dawn said.

"Why is that?" Caitlin asked.

"I think it is kind of obvious Aunt Caitlin. She is very impulsive." Mia said.

"Makes since. So, can you guys help us out with information about Cicada?" Barry asked.

"Sure. It he is able to take meta's powers away with his dagger, He is very strong, and mom and I are the only two who don't lose our powers when around him." Dawn said.

"What are your powers?" Caitlin asked.

"I have speed and ice powers. He can take my speed by not my ice powers." Dawn said.

"Well that will be a lot of help. Will you three be staying here as well?" Barry asked.

"Sorry Uncle Barry, but we our here to help our parents. We will see you again when it is time for Crisis though." Conner said.

"I will breach you to your parent's bunker right now if you want." Cisco said.

"Thanks Uncle Cisco. We will see y'all later." Olivia said.

The three Queens jumped through the breach and when it was closed Barry looked at Caitlin and said, "I wonder how Oliver is going to take this?"

"He will be fine. It's not like he has never met his kids from the future before." Caitlin said.

"Very true. So, do we have an address on Dwyer? I would like to have some eyes on him at all times. We need to know when we might can make a move on him." Barry said.

"Looks like he lives at the same place on the old earth. Who is taking the first shift?" Cisco said.

"Caitlin, Dawn and I will take care of the first shift. The rest of you can get together and see who will take our place at six in the morning." Barry said and the Allen's left to go keep an eye on Dwyer.

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