Chapter 39

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Later that night Barry, Caitlin, and Allegra walked into the apartment with Dawn and they decided that the rest of the night was going to be a family night. Dawn was now able to walk which was quickly becoming a problem because she inherited her father's speed, which made her hard to catch for everyone except for Barry.

They all sat down to watch a movie. They let Dawn pick what they were going to watch. She ended up picking the new Aladdin movie, which was good because Barry and Caitlin hadn't had a chance to see it yet. Barry and Caitlin went to fix popcorn and a few other snacks to eat while watching the movie, while Allegra was setting up the TV and the DVD, so they were ready to go once Barry and Caitlin returned.

After a few hours the movie was over, so Barry picked up Dawn who was asleep and took her to her bedroom to go to sleep. Once he returned to the sitting room, they all started talking about the movie.

"That was pretty good, but I still think it is hard to beat the original." Barry said.

"I liked it. It had some new elements that weren't in the original, so that made it different for me, but you are right, it is hard to beat the original." Caitlin said.

"I have only seen the original once. Maybe we should buy it so that I can see it again and get a refresher." Allegra said.

"Probably not a bad idea. Anyways, I am going to clean all of this up then I am going to bed." Barry said.

"I'll help you. You need to go on to bed Allegra. It is getting late." Caitlin said as Allegra nodded and left for her room to go to bed.

After Barry and Caitlin finished washing the bowls that all of the snacks were in, they were about to head to their bedroom when a portal opened in their sitting room and Novu walked out.

"What the hell are you doing here? I thought we were done with you." Barry said.

"I thought you were done with me as well Barry Allen, but I have come to warn you." Novu said.

"Let me guess. We didn't stop the Crisis from coming did we?" Barry asked.

"You are correct. The Crisis is still going to come so now is the time to prepare for what is to come." Novu said.

"The newspaper from the future doesn't say that I am going to die now, so that must mean that things are different this time." Barry said.

"Yes, quite a few things are different this time around. Oliver Queen is also not fated to die this time around." Novu said.

"Well that's good, but how about you tell us why all of this is different this time then the last time." Caitlin said.

"Very well. Last time around some people had different destinies than they do this time around. Say for instance, the new Paragon of Courage was supposed to form a League of Heroes on the old earth but that did not happen this time, so they are here with you." Novu said.

"Who is this person?" Caitlin asked.

"Thea Queen is the new Paragon of Courage." Novu said.

"That actually makes since." Barry said.

"The new Paragon of Truth was not around last time either because they were dead." Novu said.

"Well the only one I can think of in that situation is Laurel." Caitlin said.

"Yes, Laurel Queen is the new Paragon of Truth." Novu said.

"Ok what else is different?" Caitlin asked.

"There will also be a new Paragon of Honor. This person is who I would have chosen the last time, but things didn't work out the way I thought they would." Novu said.

"Meaning this person was dead as well?" Barry asked.

"Yes, Oliver Queen is the new Paragon of Honor." Novu said.

"That is very much on point there. I don't know of anyone with more honor than Oliver." Caitlin said.

"That is very true." Novu said.

"Are there anymore changes to the paragons." Barry asked.

"Yes, there is one more change. There is a new Paragon of Humanity." Novu said.

"And why did this one change?" Caitlin asked.

"Because I think there is someone with even more Humanity than Ryan Choi. This person has always had a great heart and would do anything for other people. They were just conflicted last time and they are not like that this time around." Novu said.

"Who is this person? Are they on Team Flash?" Caitlin asked.

"Yes, they are." Novu said.

"Well, the suspense is killing me. How about you tell us already." Caitlin said.

"It is you Caitlin Allen. You are the new Paragon of Humanity." Novu said.

"Wow. Didn't see that coming." Caitlin said.

"When will the Crisis come?" Barry asked.

"The Crisis will be upon us once you defeat Bloodwork, Oliver defeats the Ninth Circle, and Kara defeats Leviathan." Novu said.

"Ok, so it is going to be within the next two years then?" Barry asked.

"It will be the same time as last time. Only this time you will know it is coming and you will be prepared." Novu said.

"Ok. I guess I should say thanks for warning us, but I wish I had never seen you again." Barry said.

"I can understand that. I do seem to only bring bad news." Novu said.

"Yeah, so thanks but I need to get some sleep, so I guess I will see you in two years or so." Barry said as Novu nodded and went to leave through a portal.

"I was really hoping this was not going to happen this time around." Barry said.

"I know, but at least this time we have warning and we will be able to prepare. That has to be good at least." Caitlin said.

"Yeah, I guess you are right. Now how about we go to bed. I am tired." Barry said and Caitlin nodded as they walked to their bedroom and changed into sleeping clothes and went to bed.

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