Chapter 18

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After they helped Team Arrow stop the siege in Star City Barry, Caitlin, Wally, and Jesse breached back to STAR Labs. When they got to the cortex, they saw Cisco at his computer monitoring the city to make sure there were not any crimes going on. Allegra was on Caitlin's computer finishing up her homework so that she would not have to worry about it when she got home. When they saw the group enter the cortex Allegra asked "How did it go? I wish I could have gone with y'all."

"It took a while, but everything went as planned. It was a lot of running so how about we all go home and get some rest." Barry said and everyone nodded.

The next morning Barry and Caitlin woke up to the smell of coffee and breakfast being cooked. When they walked into the kitchen, they saw Allegra was cooking pancakes, eggs, and bacon. "You didn't have to do all of this cooking Allegra." Caitlin said.

"I wanted to. It is the least I can do since you adopted me, and you probably helped me to not go down the wrong path like I did on the old earth." Allegra said.

When Caitlin walked over and gave Allegra a hug, Allegra whispered into her ear "So, was Oliver Queen as hot as ever last night?"

Frost took control long enough to answer, "Oh yeah, and in that suit, he looks even hotter."

Barry just shook his head. "I heard that Frost."

"Don't worry handsome, you are the only man I will ever love." Said frost after taking over again.

Barry just laughed and said, "Well at least I have something on Oliver then."

"Yeah you do and if you are good, I will give you something that Oliver Queen will never have a chance at later." Frost said

"Eww. Come on guys. Young ears here." Allegra said while laughing at the expression on Barry's face. All he could do was nod because he was so stunned. He knew that he should not be surprised because it was Frost that was talking, but she had never done that in front of anyone before.

Barry finally composed himself and he asked "So, what does everyone have planned for the day?"

"Well after our late night last night, I thought that I would stay around here until after lunch and then maybe Allegra and I could go shopping for some new clothes at the mall." Frost said.

"Sounds good. I don't have that many clothes right now." Allegra said.

Barry nodded and said "That sounds good. I might go to the lab and train for a while. When does Thea come to train you again Allegra?"

"She comes tomorrow after lunch." Allegra said.

"Ok. Sounds good. Well I am going to head to STAR Labs. I will talk to y'all later. Love you both." Barry said.

"Love you too." They both said at the same time.

"I really hope I can find someone like him one day" Allegra said.

"You will. Just give it time." Caitlin said as she took back control.

Allegra nodded and then she continued to eat her food. Once they were both done, they decided to watch a little bit of television.

It was getting close to lunch time and Allegra asked, "Do you want to eat here or eat at the food court at the mall?"

"Let's eat at the food court." Caitlin said.

They drove to the mall and when they got to the mall, they went to the food court and found a Italian place that had pizza. Once they were done eating, they went to a few stores that had the clothes that they wanted. Being that Allegra had no money right now Caitlin had to pay for clothes for three people since Frost saw some clothes that she liked too.

At the same time Barry was at STAR Labs running in the speed lab trying to make sure that he was at his fastest so that he could stand a chance at catching Savitar. After a while he took a break and went to see if Tracey had come into work today. He knew it was a Saturday, but he also knew that she was very dedicated to her work and that she would most likely be working on the speed cannon. When he looked into her office, he was right. She was working on the cannon. "You know you can take a day off, right?" Barry asked.

"I could say the same to you Mr. Allen." Tracey said and all Barry could do was laugh because she knew that she was right.

"Just wanted to train a little while before heading home. The girls are shopping. I had to find something to do or they would have dragged me with them." Barry said with a chuckle.

Tracey laughed and then said "Well anyways, I remember how to build this from the old earth. I just have to wait for all of the parts to get here and they it will probably take me about a week to make it and to also make sure that it works."

Barry nodded and said "That's good. Let me know if you need anything in the meantime. I think I am going to head home. I will see you later." Barry said.

Tracey waved as he walked out of her office and then he sped home. When he got there, he saw that the girls were home and that the sitting room was full of bags and said "Did y'all by the whole mall? I mean it looks like you bought everything."

"It's not that much and you know it." Caitlin said.

"Ok. If you say so." Barry said while laughing.

"So, did you get everything that you wanted?" Barry asked Allegra.

"Yeah. I got somethings to just lounge around it. I got some workout clothes for training. I also got some clothes for when I am out in public, like a few dresses and some shirts and jeans. Something for every type of occasion." Allegra said.

"That's good and what did you get?" Barry asked Caitlin.

"Well most of the stuff I bought was for work like skirts and blouses. I also got some workout clothes for training. Frost got a few things too. She will tell you about that later." Caitlin said.

Barry nodded and then said, "Well I talked to Tracey and she said that she has all the math ready for the speed cannon, she just needs to wait for the component to arrive so she can assemble the cannon."

"That's good. Maybe we can take care of him faster this time. It will always help that I am on your side this time." Caitlin said.

"What do you mean by being on our side this time?" Allegra asked.

"Last time, when Savitar was after Barry my powers were just manifesting and Frost was mad that I tried to keep her locked up. So, when she finally got control, she went off to join Savitar, who was a future time remnant of Barry. I realize now that it was just because she was in love with Barry." Caitlin said.

"It was my fought. I was to wrapped up in trying to save Iris that I didn't pay attention to the trouble that you were having. You will never know how sorry I am for being so selfish and not helping you. It is one of my biggest regrets from the old earth." Barry said.

"All is forgiven. Anyways, it is getting late and you have training tomorrow Allegra. So, you should get some rest." Caitlin said and Allegra nodded and headed to her room.

"So, what did Frost get that she could tell me about earlier?" Barry asked.

Frost took over and said "It's a surprise. Go to the bedroom and wait for me. I have to find it so I can show you."

Barry nodded and headed to the room. Frost found what she was looking for and changed into it really quick. When she got to their room she knocked and said "Close your eyes, it's a surprise."

She walked into the room and said "Ok. You can open your eyes now."

Barry opened his eyes and his mouth about hit the floor. Caitlin was wearing a very sexy looking night gown that you could just about see through. Caitlin walked over to him and kissed him. When she pulled away, she said "I told you if you were nice that you would get something that Oliver Queen would never have. Let's make that a reality right now." Barry nodded and then they were on the bed and making love for most of the night.

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