Chapter 4

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A/N: I am just picking some of my favorite episodes to use so there will not be an order to the episodes. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy it.

The next morning when Barry and Caitlin woke up, Barry went to get in the shower while Caitlin just lay there and wait for him to finish so that she could get in. After they were done, Barry made breakfast and they ate before Barry sped to the CCPD and Caitlin drove home to change clothes before she went to help Cisco and Dr. Well set up everything for the training that Barry was going to do later that day.

After finishing his work at the CCPD he sped out to the air field and changed into his Flash suit which had the sensors in it to measure everything that they needed for his training. He got ready and took of down the tarmac and just like last time he made it look like he was having trouble stopping and running into the water barrels at the end of the track. He ended up breaking a couple of bones but it was all for the benefit of making it look like he did not have full control of his powers yet and keeping Thawne in the dark.

When Caitlin was patching him up in the med bay, he made sure that no one else was around and said "Well that hurt just as bad as last time. I wish I didn't have to do all of this just to keep him in the dark."

"I was surprised that you actually went through with running into the barrels, although I do understand why you had to do it." Caitlin said.

It took about three hours and he was all healed up. He decided to go home and get some rest and make sure that he was completely healed. He did the training for the rest of the week and he never hit the barrels again and Wells also taught him how to phase through things and throw lightening bolds.

The next week they came up against a new Metahuman whose name was Peekaboo. She had the ability to transport herself to different places as long as she could see where she was going. They knew about the karaoke bar from last time so they went to check that place out again.

When they got to the bar they walked in and got a table and a couple of drinks. Caitlin looked at Barry and said "I am not going to get like I did the last time that we were here. You might as well forget about me getting up there and singing again."

"Whatever you say Dr. Snow." Barry said while laughing.

"Are you going to try to get me drunk and take advantage of me Mr. Allen?" Said Caitlin while also laughing.

"I would never." Said Barry with a surprised look on his face.

Caitlin got up and went to the Restroom and when she came back, she was Frost. Frost looked at him and said "I have never drink before so I want to see if I can even get drunk, and if I do it doesn't bother me if you take advantage a little bit." The she laughed at the look on his face.

"I can't take advantage of a girl who is drunk even if she has given me permission. It just isn't right." Barry said.

"Well then I will try not to get to bad then." Frost said.

It turns out that Frost could get drunk and she did end up going up on stage and her and Barry signing a duet again. When they were about ready to go home Barry went to pay the tab and then he picked Frost up and sped her home. Due to her sped healing, by the time they got home she was sober. They went inside her apartment and Caitlin went to change into something more comfortable.

When she was walking toward her room she turned into Caitlin and turned around to him and said "Why don't you come back to my room and help me with my dress and I might let you look at my goods."

Barry just shook his head and laughed while saying "If you insist."

When they got to her room, things got a little heated and the next thing they knew it was it was mourning. That night obviously turned out better this time then it did the last time.

They got to STAR Labs the next morning and with the alarms going off and they found out that Peekaboo and her boyfriend had robbed a bank and were on the run. They had a signal on her so they knew where she was and Barry raced out to catch her.

"Ok, how am I supposed to catch someone who can teleport anytime I get close to them?" Barry asked even though he already know the answer.

"We are working on it Barry. Just try to keep and eye on her until we figure something out." Dr. Wells said.

"Well, as long as I don't get close enough for her to see me, she will stay in the car. That might be the easiest way to stop her." Barry said.

Dr. Wells, Cisco and Caitlin were trying to come up with a plan when Cisco finally thought of something or that was the way it looked to Dr. Wells.

"Wait a minute, doesn't she have to see where she is going in order to teleport. If that is how it works then maybe you can blackout her windows so that she can't teleport out of it." Said Cisco.

"That is a good idea Cisco. Barry we can keep an eye on the car. You go get some paint and we will tell you where to go. You might also want to get a lug nut wrench so that you can take the tires off so they don't crash into someone else." Said Dr. Wells.

"I'm on it." Said Barry.

He went to get what he needed and he was back and painted the windows and took the tires off. When he was done with that, he opened the door quickly and put a pair of power dampening cuff on her and took her to the pipeline.

Barry then came back and got the boyfriend and took him back to prison. While he was at the prison, he changed his clothes really quick and went in to visit his dad.

"Hey Slugger, how are you doing?" Henry said.

"I am doing good dad. I have a girlfriend who I really think that you would like. Maybe I can bring her with me sometime. But anyways, the reason why I am here is because I think I have found a way to get you out of here. I don't want to get your hope up but it looks like it could work." Barry said.

"Don't get your hopes to high. I just want you to know that I have learned to be ok in here." Said Henry.

"I'll try not to. But anyways, I have to get going. I will see you later Dad." Said Barry.

"See you later son." Henry said.

Barry went back to STAR Labs and Hung out with Cisco and Caitlin for a while. Then he decided that he was going to go home and get some rest because it had been a long day.

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