Chapter 42

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After Barry, Caitlin, and Dawn were done with their shift of watching Dwyer, they went home, and they saw that Allegra was waiting for them. Allegra was surprised to see someone that she didn't know entering the apartment.

"Who is this?" Allegra asked.

"Well that is kind of hard to explain, but the short version is that she is your sister from the future." Barry said.

"Seriously, this is Dawn from the future?" Allegra asked.

"Yeah I know it is hard to believe. The only reason that it didn't really freak us out is because on the old earth Nora came back in time." Caitlin said.

"Who is Nora?" Allegra said.

"Oh, Nora was Iris and my child from the future. She was there the year before you became part of the team." Barry said.

"Ok, I get that. So, how is the future?" Allegra asked Dawn.

"Everything is great. The only reason that we are here is because the Monitor said that our help was needed." Dawn said.

"That's cool. So, are you staying here while you are in this time?" Allegra asked.

"No. I can't do that. I can't she any version of my past self or something bad might happen. I will be at STAR Labs." Dawn said.

"Ok. I hope that we can hang out some while you are here." Allegra said.

"I look forward to it. We hang out in the future but not as much as I would like because you are so much older than I am." Dawn said.

"I am going back to STAR Labs. I will see you all in the morning." Dawn said as she sped out of the apartment.

The next morning Team Flash met in the new cortex and tried to make a plan that would take Dwyer down as quick as possible. They knew that they would have to wait a couple of more days so that they could watch him and get his schedule down so they knew where he would be and when.

"I think we should wait another couple of days to try and take him down. We need to know his schedule better." Barry said.

"I agree. We need to know as much as we can before we go after him." Cisco said.

"So, are we going to use the cure on him or what?" Caitlin asked.

"I think that is our best bet. We will also be relying heavily on Allegra and Frost because you two can fight him without any problems." Barry said.

"But I won't have my powers though." Allegra said.

"No, you won't, but that is why you trained with Thea. You will have your archery and fighting skills." Caitlin said.

"What about you though. How will you be able to help?" Allegra asked Caitlin.

"Frost wasn't created by the particle accelerator. She was part of an experiment to keep me from getting ALS." Caitlin said.

"So, the weapon does not affect you then?" Allegra asked.

"No, it does not." Caitlin said.

"Ok, that's good to know. I am looking forward to working with you then." Allegra said.

"I might be able to help as well." Dawn said as she entered the room.

"How will you be able to help? It will take your speed just like it does mine." Barry said.

"That is true, but it can't take this." Dawn said as her hair turned white and she produced a mist from her hands.

"Well that was unexpected." Cisco said.

"Do you have a Frost as well?" Caitlin asked.

"Yes, I do, she likes to be called Blizzard." Dawn said.

"Can I talk to her sometime?" Caitlin asked.

"Sure. How about after the meeting?" Dawn said and Caitlin nodded.

"Ok, so we have three people that can go after Dwyer without losing their powers. That is more helpful then what we had last time." Cisco said.

"It sure is. So, we stick to the plan of watching Dwyer for a couple of more days. Then we will come up with a plan of attack." Barry said and everyone nodded and left to do their work for the day.

Once they had all left the cortex, Dawn and Caitlin went to the lounge to have their talk. When they got there, they saw that it was empty so they would not have anyone interrupting them.

Dawn turned into Blizzard and looked at Caitlin and said, "You wanted to talk to me mom?"

"Yes. I just wanted to make sure that you have a better life than Frost did at the beginning." Caitlin said.

"I do. Most of that is probably because of you. I think you taught Dawn how to let me out every so often so that I would not end up like Frost did when she first got released." Blizzard said.

"I am glad to hear that. So, when you are in your form can you still speed around?" Caitlin asked.

"Unfortunately, no I can't. Speed and cold do not mix. So, I only have ice powers and Dawn only has speed." Blizzard said.

"That makes since. Do you and Frost get along?" Caitlin asked.

"Yes. We get along. She taught me pretty much everything I know about my ice powers." Blizzard said.

"That's good. I am glad that you had someone to teach you what to do with your powers. Frost didn't have that." Caitlin said.

"That's what she said. I am just glad that I have all of Dad, Frost, and your encouragement in the future." Blizzard said.

All of a sudden Caitlin turned into Frost and said, "Sorry Caity, I need to talk to our daughter for a few minutes."

"What's up mom?" Blizzard asked.

"Are we all happy in the future like we all seem to be now. I can kind see myself messing all of this up somehow?" Frost said.

"You are always so hard on yourself mom. You are a good mother to me, and you and mom are both good wives to dad." Blizzard said.

"So, I don't do something stupid in the future to mess everything up. I just have a feeling that someday I am going to say something wrong and everything will change." Frost said.

"No mom, everything is fine in the future. From stories that mom tells me, you are more caring in the future because she lets you out to live your own life sometimes, so you get used to being around people and you learn what is right to say and what isn't." Blizzard said.

"Well that is a relief." Frost said.

"I wouldn't have you any other way mom." Blizzard said as she turned back into Dawn and hugged Frost before getting up and the two went to meet up with Barry for lunch.

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