Chapter 49

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Barry and Caitlin were working at STAR Labs and making advancement to all kinds of tech and medicines. Right now, Barry was working on a new cell phone that was going to be the most cutting-edge cell phone that had ever been made up until this point. Caitlin was working on a cure for cancer that would help people be cured of it forever.

The alarm started to go off on their phones, so they knew that it was a meta out there in the city trying to cause problems. When they got to the lair for new Team Flash, they found Dawn, Allegra, and Henry had already changed into their suits and were looking over CJ's (Cisco's son) shoulder to see what was going on.

"It looks like we have a meta that can move things with their minds. She looks like she is robbing Central City Bank. You guys need to get there as soon as you can." CJ said.

"We are on the way. Keep us updated on what is going on while we are on the way there." Dawn said.

"What about Taylor (Jesse and Ronnie's daughter)? She will be pissed if we don't wait for her to get here." Henry said.

"We don't have time. If we wait, we may not be able to stop this meta. If she gets here, tell her where we are and let her know that she can come join us if she wants." Allegra said.

"Will do." CJ said.

As the team was about to leave to get to the bank, they saw that Barry and Caitlin were standing there watching them all with a look of pride on their faces.

"Looks like we taught them well. I think they are more efficient than we were though." Caitlin said.

"Yeah, at least they don't rush into things like I used to do when I first started." Barry said.

"I remember how I used to always get so mad at you because you would just go off without any help and I would end up having to patch you up because of your impulsiveness." Caitlin said.

"I guess that is why that is Dawn superhero name. She is exactly like me in that way." Barry said.

"At least you realize it now. I remember when I used to have to ice blast you to get through your think skull sometimes." Caitlin said.

"Was I really that bad?" Barry asked.

"Not after you had your training sessions with Oliver so that you would go into a situation blind." Caitlin said.

"Yeah, well it looks like we trained them well. They don't need our help anymore like they used to." Barry said.

"So, what do you have CJ?" Barry asked.

"Oh, hey Uncle Barry and Aunt Caitlin. It's just a meta trying to rob a bank." CJ said.

At that time there was a gust of wind and then it was gone. "I guess Taylor just got her suit and left. Make sure she knows what is going on CJ." Caitlin said.

"I'm on it. Taylor, there is a meta at the back that can move things with their mind. Just letting you see what is going on before you get there." CJ said.

"Thanks CJ. I will be there in a few seconds." Taylor said.

"Ok, I will let you know if anything changes." CJ said and then he looked at the screen of his computer and saw that the other three heroes had everything under control for now.

"So, what brings you two here anyways?" CJ asked.

"We got the alert on our phones and we wanted to see how everything is going as we sit here in retirement." Caitlin said.

"Looks like you have everything under control though. So, we will leave you to it." Barry said as he and Caitlin left the lair to get back to work at STAR Labs.

As they were walking out of the door there was a flash of lightning and they saw that all of the kids were back from their mission. They were proud of the kids. They knew that they city was in good hands now, even though they were wish they could still get out there and help sometimes.

"So, I guess that means you took care of the meta without any problems." Barry said.

"Yeah, we did. She wasn't that good with her powers, so she was pretty easy to take down." Dawn said.

"Good. So, we will leave you to it. Let us know if you need anything." Caitlin said as she and Barry left the lair.

"Well, I guess this means we don't need to check in on them all the time like we have been doing." Barry said.

"No, we need to let them learn on their own. If they need any help, they will ask us." Caitlin said.

"Is it weird to you that this is how our lives turned out?" Barry asked.

"I never would have expected my life to turn out like this. I mean who would have expected us to get together and have children." Caitlin said.

"I did. I have always loved you Cait, I just had my blinders on the old earth." Barry said.

"We I am glad you came to your senses then." Caitlin said.

"Me too Cait. Me too." Barry said and they smiled at each other as they got back to work.

A/N: So that is the end of this story. I hope you all enjoyed it. Please leave some reviews so I know what I did good in this story and what I can change and do better in future story. Thanks again for reading.

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