Chapter 15

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After a couple of days Caitlin had turned all the paperwork into the correct agencies and had received a call for an interview to see if she and Barry are capable of parenting a child from a group home. Once she received that message so found Barry and said "So we have an interview about the adoption tomorrow at twelve. I really hope this goes well."

"It will be fine. All we have to do is be ourselves. I know that they will love you." Barry said.

"They will love you too. You are the kindest most caring person I know." Caitlin said.

"So, what are you working on today?" Barry asked.

"I am working on the Mirakuru cure for Oliver and also working on the cure for metas as well. Cisco is doing his part now and when he is done, I will get to work on my part." Caitlin said.

"That sounds good. Is there anything you need me to do? I am trying to find my place here, but I am having a hard time doing that. I know I run the place, but I just feel like I should be working instead of walking around asking what everyone else is doing." Barry said.

"You are one of the smartest people I know. Just think of things that we haven't made yet that will help against some of our enemies." Caitlin said.

"That is a good idea. Thanks. I will see you later." Barry said and Caitlin nodded while he kissed her before leaving.

Barry went out into the cortex and thought that he would be able to make some ear plugs that would help against someone with Silver Banshee's powers. It took him a while because he had to find everything that he needed to make them. When he was done, he thought that he might be able to make them work for against Grood as well. He was going to make sure that Grood could not get through to them this time.

Once he was done, he went to talk to Cisco to see if there was anything that he needed any help with. Cisco did not need any help at the time, so Barry just kept walking around from department to department until it was the end of the day. Once he got home, he decided that he would cook dinner so that Caitlin would not have to. He cooked spaghetti and he had it done by the time Caitlin got home.

Caitlin walked into the kitchen and said "Something smells good. So, what are we having?"

"Spaghetti and garlic bread. So how was your day?" Barry asked.

"It was good. How about yours?" Caitlin asked.

"It was good. I finally found something to and it took up a good part of the day. I just hope that the ear plugs work." Barry said.

"I am sure they will. If not, you will fix them once you know what went wrong." Caitlin said.

Barry nodded and they just talked for the rest of dinner about anything that came to their mind. After dinner they went into the living room and watch some television for a while. When the news came on, they saw that Oliver was running for mayor of Star City.

"I didn't know Oliver was planning on running for mayor so early. From what I hear he was very good at it until everyone found out who he really was." Caitlin said.

"Yeah, if I lived there, I would vote for him. So, how about we go to bed. We do have that interview tomorrow that we need to be ready for." Barry said.

Caitlin nodded and turned off the television while Barry went to lock up and make sure all of the lights were off. After that was done, they both went to get ready for bed and went to sleep.

The next day they went to the agency that called them about the interview. When they got there, they told the receptionist that they were there and sat in the waiting room until they were called. Once they were called, they went back to they social worker office and shook her hand. The social worker said "So I see that you are interested in adopting Allegra Garcia. Is that correct?"

"Yes, it is. We just think that it would be nice to give a child that age a good home." Caitlin said.

"That's great. She is a good girl. She has just had trouble from knowing right from wrong from time to time." The social worker said.

"So, how about we get this interview started?" The social worker said.

"Do you have any other children?" the social worker asked.

"No, we don't right now. But it is not out of the question in the future." Caitlin said.

"What kind of work do you do? We need to know that you both how steady work." The social worker asked.

"We both own STAR Labs. We are scientists." Barry said.

The social worker asked the rest of the questions that needed to be asked and then she looked at Barry and Caitlin and said "From what I can tell you would be the perfect people to adopt Allegra. If you could give me an hour to make sure everything is in order, I will take you both to meet Allegra and take her home with you."

Barry and Caitlin both nodded and the social worker gave them the address to meet her at in an hour. When they left the social workers office, they decided to just ride around until it was time to meet at the group home. When they got there, they saw the social worker getting out of her car. They parked and then went to meet the social worker. They all walked up to the door of the house and the social worker knocked. A few minutes later a woman walked up to the door and said "You must be the people who are adopting Allegra. She is a good girl. You will love her."

"I'm sure we will." Barry said.

Allegra came out to meet them and she was so happy that she was getting adopted. She hugged both Barry and Caitlin and said "I am so happy that someone was willing to adopt me. Not many people want to adopt someone my age."

"We are happy to have you. How about we head home and get you set up." Barry said.

Allegra nodded and they all walked back to their cars so they could leave. When they got to Barry and Caitlin's apartment Allegra looked around at everything and then was shown to her room. Barry said "This was the guest room. So, it is kind of plan right now, but tomorrow we will go shopping that so that you can make it into what you want it to be."

"That sounds great. I don't think I have ever had my own bedroom before." Allegra said.

"Well we hope you like it here. We are happy to have you here." Caitlin said.

"Thanks. So, what am I supposed to call you?" Allegra asked.

"You can call us Barry and Caitlin and we didn't know if you wanted to keep your last name or take ours." Barry said.

"Well I think since you are pretty much my parents now, I will talk your name." Allegra said.

"Ok, so we will go get that straight tomorrow to. Welcome to the family Allegra Allen." Caitlin said.

A/N: I know that adoptions probably don't go that quickly in real life but I kind of wanted to get that done fast to that it would be over with. Please review and let me know what you think of this story so far. Thanks for reading.

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