Chapter 29

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"Cisco, we need a breach right now!" Barry yelled over the phone.

"Chill out man. Where is the fire?" Cisco asked.

"Sorry man but we need a breach now. Also, tell Jesse to get the med bay ready for a baby delivery." Barry said.

"One breach coming up and I will tell Jesse." Cisco said.

A breach formed in Laurel's hospital room and Caitlin turned to them and said "Congratulations. Sorry we have to leave so soon."

"Don't worry about it. You just go and have that baby girl. It will be even better if all of our kids are born on the same day." Laurel said.

"Yeah that would be great. See y'all later." Barry said as he and Caitlin walked through the breach.

When they arrived at STAR Labs, they saw that the mad bay had been set up to deliver a baby. They had been going to a doctor at Central City hospital, but they decided to have the baby at STAR Labs so that no one would do blood test on the baby and see that her parents were metas.

"You ready for us Jesse?" Barry asked.

"As ready as I will ever be. I have never delivered a baby before." Jesse said.

"But you do have training, right?" Barry asked.

"I don't have all the same degrees on this earth as I did the old one, but I still know everything from the old earth." Jesse said.

"That's good because you are the only one who can do this because you are the only one that has any sort of medical training here other than Caitlin." Barry said.

"Don't worry Barry. Everything is going to be fine." Jesse said.

"I know. I just worry sometimes." Barry said.

"Ok Caitlin, I am going to do a checkup to see how you are coming along." Jesse said

She looked to see how many centimeters Caitlin was at right now so that she could see about how much longer they had to go. Jesse looked up at Caitlin and said "It looks like you are around 6 centimeters. Shouldn't be too much longer."

"Good, because Frost wants to come out and give all of you hell. Especially you Barry." Caitlin said.

"Why would she want to give me heel?" Barry asked.

"She said because you did this to us. You are the reason for this pain is what she said." Caitlin said.

"I think it takes two people for having this happen. I am not the only one who decided to have sex." Barry said.

Caitlin turned into Frost and said "You sure you want to pull that one me right now Barry? If you keep talking, you will get no more sex from either of us."

"Ok, I am sorry. I know you are in pain. Is there anything I can do for you right now?" Barry asked.

"Just being here with me is enough for now. Have you called your dad and my mom?" Frost asked.

"I was going to do that now. Do you want me to stay and call them or go outside?" Barry asked.

"You can do it in here. I need you here to hold my hand during the contraction. That way at least you feel some of my pain." Frost said.

"I will stay right here then." Barry said.

Barry called Henry and Carla to let them know that Caitlin was in labor. Barry went to pick up his dad so that he could be there when the baby was born because he did have experience with delivering babies when he was a doctor. Carla also wanted to be there for her daughter, so Cisco went to get her via a breach. Once both of their parents were there Jess came into the room to check on Caitlin's progress.

"Looks like you are at 8 centimeters now. You probably will be ready in a hour." Jesse said.

"Good, I am ready to finally meet my daughter." Caitlin said.

After an hour had pasted, Jesse came back in the room to check up on Caitlin and she happened to be at 10 centimeters.

"Ok Caitlin, the good news is you are ready to push. Bad news, it is going to hurt. Uncle Henry, I was wondering if you could take over. You know more about this then I do." Jesse said.

"Sure, I can. It's been a while, but I should be fine." Henry said.

"Thanks. I feel better if someone with experience did this." Jesse said.

"Ok Caitlin, it is time to push." Henry said.

After about fifteen minutes of pushing, cries filled the room letting everyone know that the newest addition to the Allen family was born. Henry took the baby to get cleaned up and the he brought her back to Caitlin so that she could hold her baby girl.

"So, how about you introduce is to the newest member of Team Flash." Cisco said.

"Everyone, we would like you to meet Dawn Jessica Allen." Caitlin said.

Caitlin held Dawn for a little while longer, then she passed her on to Barry so that bond with their daughter as well. Jesse walked up beside Barry to get a good look at her new cousin for the first time and she said "She looks like a mixture between the two of you. She has your eyes though."

"Yeah she sure does. I hope she gets most of her looks from Caitlin thought. I mean she is the prettiest person I have ever seen." Barry said.

"She is pretty. It wouldn't be a bad thing for the Dawn to look like Caitlin." Jesse said.

Cisco then walked over to the two cousins and said, "How about you let me hold my new niece now."

"Sure man. Here you go. Just be careful. You know if something happens to her, Frost will give you Frostbite." Barry said while laughing at the look on Cisco's face.

After a while everyone left the room except for Barry and Allegra. They wanted to have a moment with just family. Soon Dawn and Caitlin were asleep, so Barry and Allegra left so that they could sleep peacefully without any disturbance.

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