Chapter 30

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Barry and Caitlin were finally going to bring their baby girl home. When they opened the door to their apartment, they expected to see all of their friends and family there, but they weren't. The apartment was nice and clean, so they figured that Allegra had cleaned the place so that it looked nice for them. When they walked into the sitting room, they saw Allegra watching a movie.

"Hey sweetie. What are you watching?" Caitlin asked.

"Oh, Hey. I didn't realize y'all were home. I am watching Avengers Endgame. It is my favorite movie." Allegra said.

"It is a good movie. It is one of my favorites as well." Barry said.

"Would you like to hold your baby sister?" Caitlin asked.

"Sure. I would love to. I am just scared that I am going to do something wrong." Allegra said.

"Just make sure you hold her head and everything will be fine." Caitlin said.

Caitlin then handed the Dawn to Allegra and she and Barry watched as Allegra fell in love with the new member of the family. Barry and Caitlin sat down and watched the movie as well. When it was over Barry looked over at the three most important people in his life and saw that they were all asleep. Caitlin was in a recliner and Allegra had laid on the couch with Dawn laying her head on Allegra's chest.

He didn't want to wake them, so he got up and went into the kitchen and called for pizza to be delivered. He would let the pizza arriving wake them up. When the doorbell rung, the women woke up and came into the kitchen.

"When did you call for pizza dad?" Allegra asked.

"When the movie ended. I didn't have the heart to wake any of you up, so I just let you sleep." Barry said.

"Thanks. I really needed it. It is not comfortable sleeping in a hospital bed for more than one night." Caitlin said.

"I do have a new screen saver for my phone though." Barry said.

"Ok, let me see it." Caitlin said.

Barry took out his phone and unlocked it. When Caitlin saw the picture, she said "Awe, it is so cute. Can you send the picture to me?"

"Yeah sure. I figured you would like it." Barry said.

"Let me see it." Allegra said.

When she saw the picture, she smiled. It was a picture of her holding Dawn as they were sleeping on the couch earlier.

Allegra the said "I would like a copy of that picture as well."

"I will send it to you. I was half expecting all of our friends and family to be here when we got home." Barry said.

"They wanted to throw a party for you, but I told them to wait for a while. I knew you both would be tired." Allegra said.

"Thank you for doing that. I really wouldn't have been in the mood for it today. I am really tired." Caitlin said.

"Get something to eat and then go take a nap. Allegra and I can take care of Dawn for a little while." Barry said.

"I knew there was a reason that I loved you." Frost said.

"Good that you finally decided to come out. Have you even held your daughter yet?" Barry asked.

"I hold her every time that Caity does." Frost said.

"That's not what I mean, and you know it." Barry said.

"I know. I am just scared that I will scare her or hurt her. I couldn't live with myself if that happened." Frost said.

"You are her mother. You couldn't scare her or hurt her. You are a good person Frost." Barry said.

"Thanks. I guess it will try to hold her." Frost said as Allegra handed her the baby.

"Hey baby. You are one of the three most important people in my life. If anyone tries to hurt, you I will freeze them." Frost said.

"That was very nice but also very scary." Allegra said.

"It was meant to be. If anyone messes with my girls, they will have to deal with me." Frost said.

"Look, you're a natural. It's like she already recognizes you as her mother." Barry said.

"I don't know how that is possible. She has never seen me before. She has always been feed by Caity." Frost said.

"That is true. I think she can just sense that you are her mother." Barry said.

"Now, I will let Caity take back over." Frost said as she turned back into Caitlin.

"So, it looks like Frost is going to be a good mother. She will be the one who scares the shit out of all of Dawn's boyfriends." Caitlin said with a laugh.

"I can believe that. Frost is a very scary woman." Allegra said.

They ate the pizza for a while and just talked about what had been going on since Caitlin was in the hospital. Once they were done cleaning up the kitchen, Caitlin went to take a nap.

"Your mom really didn't sleep well at the hospital. She said the bed was so uncomfortable." Barry said.

"It makes since. I am sure you can get sore staying in a bed for that long." Allegra said.

"So, what do you have planned for the rest of the night." Barry said.

"Nothing really. I was planning on just hanging around with my family. I hope that is ok." Allegra said.

"It is the best thing I have heard in a while. I love you sweetheart." Barry said.

"Love you to dad." Allegra said.

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