Chapter 5

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The next day was a slow day at the CCPD, so Barry decided that he would go do some more training with the team. Cisco had an idea for that he would call a super sonic punch. So, what Barry had to do was to run a certain distance away and then run toward the target and punch it. They tried it on a couple cinderblocks and the first time that Barry tried it he broke his hand on purpose so that Thawne wouldn't think that he was learning to quickly. After his hand healed, he wanted to try it again and this time Barry was able to smash the block.

"I am glad I did not break my hand again trying to do that. That would not have been fun." Barry said.

"I know you are hurting yourself on purpose for the benefit of Thawne not catching onto you. I just wish there was another way, because I hate seeing you hurt like that even if you heal fast." Caitlin said.

"I know. The good thing it I have learned most everything that there is to learn from Thawne so I shouldn't have to do that again. Anyways, I was talking to Iris earlier and she asked if all of us would like to meet her and Eddie at a bar and get drinks and play pool and darks?" Barry asked.

"I am up for it. What do you say Cisco?" Caitlin asked.

"I'm in. Oh yeah, I called J'onn J'onzz the other day to see if he could give me any ideas on how to make a ring that would work like his powers do so if we find anyone else that we want to give memories to we can do that. I have made two of them. We will keep one and I will breach one over to Oliver tonight when we leave the Lab." Cisco said.

"That great. I think I know someone we can use it on Barry." Caitlin said.

"Who would that be? I can't think of anyone that we missed." Barry said.

"That because she wouldn't be in your old memories and you probably just haven't searched your new memories well enough to know what is missing. Remember that your dad has a brother named Jay on this earth, but he doesn't live in Central City. His daughter moved here before the particle accelerator exploded. She visited you once a week while you were in your coma. From the way she talked you two were close." Caitlin said.

"Why didn't I think of that? I will call her now tell her to meet us at the bar tonight."

Caitlin nodded and Barry walked out so he could make the call. Once he was done getting that details straight, he walked back into the cortex and talked with Caitlin and Cisco for a while before going home to get ready.

In a couple of hours, it was time for him to meet all of his friends at the bar. Barry walked up to Iris and gave her a hug the he shook Eddie's hand. He was talking to Iris he was facing the door and she got a look on her face like she saw someone she knew walking in and asked "Is that who I think it is?"

Barry turned around and looked and said "Yeah except she is my cousin on this earth."

The girl walked up to Barry and gave him a hug because she had not seen him since he got out of the coma. He looked at her and said "It's good to see you Jesse it has been a while."

"At least this time you are not in a coma. I have missed you cuz." Jesse said.

"I have missed you too. Listen my friend Cisco has been working on this new experiment and he wanted me to try it on you. Do you mind?" Barry asked.

"It won't hurt will it?" Jesse asked.

"If it does it will just be a little head ache." Said Barry.

"Ok, go ahead." Said Jesse.

Barry touch the ring to her arm and she closed her eyes in pain for a few seconds and then she opened her eyes and looked at Barry and smiled. She then walked over to Iris and hugged her. Right about that time Cisco and Caitlin walked into the bar to get a hug from Jesse as well. Cisco looked at Jesse and said "Well if it isn't Jesse Quick. It's good to see you girl."

"It's good to see all of y'all too. The only weird thing is that my dad is not my dad on this earth. He is the Reverse Flash, am I right."

"Unfortunately, that is true. So, are you just as smart on this earth as you were on earth two? Barry asked.

"I have the same degrees that I had on earth two." Jesse said.

"Do you have anything else?" Barry asked while vibrating his hand.

Jesse lifted her hand it vibrated it show that she was a speedster as well and said "I was hit by the particle accelerator while I was working at Mercury Labs, but for some reason I was only out for a couple of hours, and when I woke up I had my speed."

"We could probably use your help in a couple of months to throw Thawne off. But if you could try to keep from using your speed as much as possible so he doesn't pick up on you. He doesn't even know that Cisco and Caitlin have their powers yet." Barry said

"Will do. Guess you get to make me a suit Cisco. Think you are up for it?" Jesse asked.

"Oh hell yeah girl. It will be even better than your last one." Cisco said.

"I also have a job offer for you if you are up for working with Caitlin, Cisco and me all the time. It will have to wait until after we beat Thawne though. I am thinking of opening STAR Labs back up and letting it be what it should have been all along." Barry said.

"I would love that and I will already be there if something happens with a meta." Jesse said.

After everyone had a few drinks and had talked for a while they all split up. Barry, Cisco, Eddie and Caitlin went to play pool, while Jesse and Iris were playing darts.

Cisco went to get another round of drinks from the bar and he saw that the bartender was someone he knew. So, he went over to Barry and said "Hey man, look at the bartender. Do you mind if I borrow the ring?"

"Go ahead man. I would if I were you." Barry said.

Cisco walked back up to the bar to get the drinks and when the bartender reached out for the money Cisco touch the ring to her arm. The next thing she knew Camilla was looking at her boyfriend from the old earth.

When she had a break, she went over to meet with the group and said "It is good to see you all again and I look forward to have fun with all of you very soon." Camilla said.

About that time there was an alert from a meta attacking. Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco left in a hurry to get back to STAR Labs. All of the others just had to stay there to keep Thawne in the dark about them knowing everything. When they got to STAR Labs, Barry suited up and went out to catch Girder.

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