Chapter 19

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Over the next couple of weeks everything for there plan against Savitar was coming together. Tracey was putting the finishing touches on the speed cannon and when that was done all they had to do was wait. They had to make the speed cannon just in case someone got stuck in the speed force, but they also had to make it so that Savitar thought that his plan was going to work, and he would be about to exist in all of time.

They also knew that Savitar would need Frost's freeze powers to freeze the portal, so she would have to play a double agent when he showed up. That would be a while though because he we still stuck in the speed force right now.

Everything was coming along with STAR Labs as well. Barry was finally getting the hang of running things, Caitlin was running the bio-chemical department, and Cisco was running the engineering department. Right now, Caitlin was working on mass producing the meta cure so that anyone that had powers that didn't want them could get rid of them. Cisco was working to find something that might would help the team against The Thinker. He was also helping Ronnie to finish up their lair that so that it was not out in the open like it is now.

Barry and Jesse were in the speed lab training. When they were taking a break, Barry asked "So, how are things going with you and Ronnie?"

"Things are going great. I really like him. No offense to Wally but I think I might be falling in love with Ronnie and I never really got there with Wally." Jesse said.

"That's good. I am glad you are happy." Barry said.

"Thanks. How are things going with Allegra since the adoption?" Jesse asked.

"Things are good. She is a great girl. She has even started calling us mom and dad, which is a little weird, but we are getting used to it." Barry said.

"I have seen her training down here just about everyday. She is getting really good at the archery. Why would she not want to use her powers though?" Jesse asked.

"I think that she looks up to Thea and she see that Thea doesn't use her powers unless she has to, so I think she wants to be like her." Barry said and Jesse nodded.

"Well let's get back to the training. We still have thirty minutes to go." Barry said and they both took off running around the track again.

Allegra was up in the cortex working on her homework. She was doing really good in her distance learning program. She might even be a little ahead of the game being that she is a eighteen-year-old in a thirteen-year old's body. She was hoping to graduate early so that she could start helping Team Flash. That was the condition. She could not join the team until she graduated.

"So, how is the schoolwork coming sweetie?" Caitlin asked as she walked into the cortex.

"It is coming pretty good. It's just boring because I already know everything we are going over." Allegra said.

"Well at least you know that you should be able to pass everything though. Just keep working hard and it will be over before you know it." Caitlin said.

"I will. I want to make dad and you proud mom. I never really had an adult that really cared how I did in school before. Come to think of it, I never had an adult that really cared for me at all. I just want to say thank you." Allegra said with tears in her eyes.

Caitlin had tears running down her checks and she said "I am so sorry you didn't have the parents that you should have before, but I hope that Barry and I will make up for that. You are making us really proud and we love you."

Barry ran in from his training and saw both of his girls crying and asked "What going on. Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong. We were just talking about how things were on the old earth and we just got a little emotional." Allegra said.

"Ok. I don't like to see you two upset. So, Caitlin, do we have anything planned for tonight?" Barry asked.

"No. We are free. What do you have in mind?" Caitlin asked.

"I was thinking that we could go out to eat Jesse and Ronnie if that isn't to weird for you. Jesse says that everything is going great between them. But if it is too weird, we don't have to go." Barry said.

"No. I am fine with going. Ronnie and I both know that we are better off as friends so it is fine." Caitlin said.

"Ok. I will go see if they are available tonight." Barry said.

Later that night the two couple are sitting in a Italian Restaurant having a good time. Caitlin was happy to see that Ronnie was happy with someone else. She would have been upset if he had just stayed hung up on her. Jesse and Ronnie did look like a good pairing. When they were done with dinner they sat and talked for a while longer.

"So, Ronnie how are the modification to the new lair going?" Caitlin asked.

"They are going good. I think it will be complete in the next couple of weeks. Then you can start hiring new people, because all of the hero business will be in a completely different area of the building." Ronnie Said.

"That's good. I am looking forward to opening STAR Labs and making sure it is used for something good instead of something bad like the way Thawne used it." Barry said and everyone nodded.

The men then paid the bill and they left to go home. When Barry and Caitlin got home, they saw that Allegra was in the sitting room watching the television.

"Hey Sweetie, what are you watching?" Caitlin asked.

"Oh, I am watching Avengers Endgame. I never got to watch it in the theater." Allegra said.

"I love that movie. I don't even know how many times I have seen it." Barry said.

"Well if you two want to watch it, I will leave you to it. I think I am going to sleep I am feeling a little more tired than usual." Caitlin said.

"Are you sure you are alright? You haven't really seemed like yourself in the past couple of days. You didn't even drink any wine at dinner and you never turn down wine." Barry said.

"Oh, you noticed that? Well I was going to wait until I went to see the doctor, but now that you know something is up, I guess I can go on and tell you." Caitlin said.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" Barry asked as he and Allegra both looked concerned.

"No, everything is fine. Barry and Allegra, I'm pregnant." Caitlin said.

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