The Great Escape

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Hey guys this is my first fanfic! Just to warn you since this is MY fanfic it won't be 100% accurate. For example I'm changing ages and certain other details. Don't worry though it will still be great. This is a One Direction fanfic and they will come in later so just wait.


Today was the day. It was the day that Niki's life, as she knew it, would change forever.  

Niki's P.O.V 

It was finally my 18th birthday. I was legally an adult. No one could control me anymore. I was responsible for my own actions. I woke up and went straight to the bathroom. I had been planning this day forever. I took off my plaid boy short looking pj bottoms and my white sports bra. I then took a short shower. I got out and wrapped a towel around my bare wet skin. I went into my room and got my black pencil skirt, shimmery pink top, and black heels with a pink bottoms. Once I put my clothes on I applied lip gloss, eyeliner, and a little mascara. I grabbed my pre-packed suit cases and my Iphone4. I headed downstairs to the kitchen. End of POV 

As Niki entered the kitchen she rehearsed her "lines" over and over again. Her stomach churned with excitement and with a little hit of fear in the mix. 

"What are you doing up so early, honey?" The annoyingly familiar voice rang in Niki's ears.  

"Don't call me honey," Niki spat out.  

"You really think you can talk to your own mother like that," the voice warned with a sinister smirk growing across her face. 

"Mother! Mother! You are not even close to my real mom. You might be my stepmother but ever since my dad died I realized you didn't love me. You probably didn't even love my father. It was all just an act so you can get my father's money. Well guess what, Lucy? You can't fool me. And since we are talking about money I need my account information for my trust fund." 

"And why do you think I would give that kinda of information to a little brat." 

"If you even cared to remembered it's my 18th birthday and I am now legally allow to be in control of the fund."  

Lucy sighed and reluctantly walked over to a locked door and unlocked it. She went in. A few seconds later she returned with a box. She gave Niki the box. The box contained all the information she need.  

"Good bye Lucy. I wish you nothing but the best," Niki beamed as she walked out the front door and didn't even look back. Her step mother didn't care enough to even try to stop her. It was a nice Friday morning. The sun was coming out and the birds were singing. Niki's thoughts were disturbed by the sound of her friend, Ally's car coming to a standstill. Ally rhythmically honked her horn. 

"Beep, beep muthafucka!" she yelled, "Hop in." Niki grabbed her luggage and threw it in the trunk right next to Ally's. Niki then walked to the front of the car and opened the passenger side door and got in. Niki examined what her best friend was wearing. She wore a plaid shirt, black skinny jeans, and a blondish colored wedge. Ally's friend immediately hit the pedal and speed away from Niki's old house.  

"Okay," Niki said, "First we need to withdraw all our money from the bank." 

"Money?" Ally questioned, "since when did you get money?" 

"My father left me a trust fund." 

"How much?" 

"I don't know." Everything became quite so Niki turned on the radio to end the awkward silence. Once we arrived at the bank she could feel her stomach filling with butterflies. 

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