Chapter 4-Meeting the egos

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    We walk down the stairs and I go to sit at the table. As I sit down all the guys are staring at me probably wondering who I am. Then Chase walks in carrying plates and sets them down in front of everyone as they are still staring.

   “Stop staring guys.” Chase says 

   “This is y/n she's my therapist  she got evicted and fired today so I called Seán and he said she could stay.” They all nod.

   “Ok y/n, so this is Jameson Jackson you can call him JJ.” Chase says while pointing to a dapper man that adjusted his monocle. 

   “He’s mute so he uses sign languages to talk.” I nod my head.

   ”And this is Jackaboy-man” he points to a man in a red jumpsuit and blue mask that waves 

   ”He's a superhero” I nod again. 

   “This is Dr.Schneeplestein or Henrik.” pointing to the doctor with a lab coat and blue mask.

   ”This is Antisepticeye, you can just call him Anti”He points to the demon that has a gash across his neck

   ”Last but not least this is Marvin the Magnificent” he says pointing to the man in a cat mask blue cape. 

   He waves his wand and flowers come out and he hands them to me saying “M’lady”.

   I take them smiling and smell them “Thank you.” I tell him.

   “Well let's eat.” Seán says

sorry for the short chapter

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