Falling Deeper!

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Rossi: ok everyone here are the drinks you can choose what you want, a smirk appearing.

Emily: I'll take the wine.

JJ: ohhhh me too.

Derek: just a regular beer for me.

Hotch: me too.

JJ: oh such manly men, laughing.

Rossi: not me the wine is just too good.

Reid: I don't know what I want.

Emily: here have some wine, handing him a glass, pouring some in.

Then they all started to tell stories.

Rossi: hey do you guys remember that time a year ago when Spencer had his first kiss.

Reid: hey that's not true. I kissed a girl in when I was 17.

Emily: ohh oh what about the time when we tried to catch the guy speeding down the highway now that was fun.

Morgan: maybe for you.

Emily: wait it wasn't fun for you.

Morgan: it was fun but did you see poor JJ getting tossed around in the backseat.

JJ: I wouldn't say tossed. Holding on for dear life yes, yes I was she said laughing already tipsy.

JJ: oh wait how about we talk about you Rossi are you gonna marry this new woman.

Rossi: for your information I have only been on a date, holding up a finger, and that's it so I can't marry her yet he bickered back.

Hotch: Rossi so how was this date and who is she.

Rossi: that's a story for another day Arron.

Garcia: so spill it people, are any of you with someone.

Reid: I might be I'm not exactly sure.

Emily: have you gone on more than one date? Oh wait better question have you brought her home?

Reid: umm

JJ: omg he hasn't even brought her home!

Garcia: take that girl home she said already really drunk.

Reid: well I- I'm going to ask her over eventually, changing the subject, is anyone else seeing someone.

Garcia: we already know Morgan is with Savanah and Hotch is with Beth so that leaves You two she said looking at them.

JJ: welllll.

Garcia: spill it.

JJ: his name is Will and we have been dating for about a month so I mean it's not really that serious.

Emily: putting a hand on her back, I'm so happy for you, trying not to sound upset.

Rossi: what about you Emily.

Emily: nope I'm not with anyone at the moment but I've got to pee so I'll be back, downing the rest of her wine.

Opening the door to the bathroom she went in and locked it behind her. Thoughts racing through her mind how come she didn't know and why did it make her so mad. Like of course JJ was going to get with someone but why couldn't it be her. Then more she thought about it the more she got angry so instead she pushed the thoughts away, then used the bathroom got herself together, and walked back out to everyone talking.

Emily: getting more wine, chugging it.

Derek: hey girl slow down.

Emily: mm sorry i don't know why I did that, sitting the empty glass back down on the table.

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