Safe place

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I feel like I'm writing a lot of smut scenes, should I like stop or keep going.😏

Months had passed and they have been dating for about two years. They just got back at the BAU from a case.

Emily: That was a hard case.

JJ: Yeah the ones involving kids are always hard.

Emily: So before we head home I want to show you something I saw the other day.

JJ: what is it.

Emily: Baby it's a surprise.

JJ: Mmm ok.

Reid: See ya he said waving.

Emily: Night.

Derek: Night pretty boy.  Hey you girls wanna hit the bar with me.

JJ: Can't Em has a surprise for me.

Derek: Ohhhhh you girls have funnnn, giving a weird eye.

Emily: Not that kind of surprise Morgan she said laughing. Not that we won't do that she whispered.

JJ: Nudging her, oh shush.

Derek: Ok my bad, he said with his crooked smirk.

Emily: Ok are you ready to go.

JJ: Just about. Ok I'm ready let's go she said with an excited jump.

Emily: Ok she said grabbing the blondes hand.

JJ: Now in the car, so what is it.

Emily: Baby just wait you're gonna love it she said trying to not sound nervous.

JJ: Ok ok I guess I'm just excited.

Emily: I know you are she said putting a hand on her thigh, fighting the urge to bite her nails.

JJ: I love you so much.

Emily: I love you too and we are here.

JJ: Where are we.

Emily: Hop out of the car and follow me.

JJ: Ok she said unbuckling her seatbelt.

Emily: Come this way over here she said walking down a path with a hand behind her back holding the blondes hand showing her where to go.

JJ: Oh my god Em it's so pretty she said not facing her.

They were at a cliff hovering over showing the tops of buildings, lights and trees. It was still light outside but just barely where the sun was setting making the site even more beautiful. The air was crisp and it smelled of fall leaves. It's was just the perfect evening.

Emily: Hey baby.

JJ: What hun she said turning around seeing the brunette opening a red velvet looking box, eyes in a deep stare unable to blink.

Emily: I can't imagine my life without you. Commitment used to scare the hell out of me but with you everything is different. I love you and everything about you even the small things. Like the way you play with your necklace when you're nervous. The way you have to walk on the left side of me and never the right. I love how when you go to sleep you have to curl up beside me and put one leg over mine. Jen I don't want to live my life without you. I'm not scared not with you I'm excited and I can't wait so Jennifer will you marry me.

JJ: Putting her hands over her mouth almost in tears not able to speak. Nodding her head sticking out her hand so Emily could put the ring on.

Emily: Looking in her eyes, oh god I'm so in love with you, putting a hand on her neck kissing her.

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