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Hotch: Guys we have a case can someone tell JJ.

Emily: Standing up, oh sure I'll tell her.

Emily: Poking her head in the door. Hey beautiful can I come in.

JJ: Yes you can, smiling putting her pen down.

Emily: We have a case.

JJ: Do we now, walking over to Emily looking up into her eyes.

Emily: Mmmhum, pulling the blonde in with one hand kissing her lips gently. Ok lets go, fixing JJ's lipstick with her thumb. You know I've been thinking about you all day.


In the conference room.

Hotch: Ok we have an unsub that is poisoning the victims.

Emily: Um so do we think it's a woman.

Hotch: It could be but we don't know much except for three people have been killed are all men. Wheels up in thirty we can go over it more then.

All together they stood up and said ok.

On the jet.

Morgan: So all the men have blackish white hair and they are in their sixties.

JJ: that's different.

Reid: What, looking up from the file.

JJ: Well I have a theory. So I'm going to say by the looks of the picture the unsub has shown remorse by positioning the body with their arms crossed and put into nice clothes. Right so what I'm getting at is I think it's a woman doing this yet what I think it weird is the age so I think she's poisoning people who she thinks as her father figure.

Rossi: That does sum it all up.

Derek: Do we know what poison it is, scrunching his eyebrows.

Reid: It's cyanide. Holding up a finger. It can smell like almonds and about a gram of it can kill a human sometimes it can take days to kill but it mostly occurs between 2-6 hours after digesting it.

Then they all just gave him the look.

Reid: What??

The team got to the local police department and set up their things then hotch separated them to got to crime scenes except for Reid he stayed back to do the geographical profile.

Emily: Hey Hotch!

Hotch: Yeah, walking toward her.

Emily: Showing him papers, it looks as if all the men went to the same coffee shop.

Hotch: Ok lets go I'll tell you the plan on the way.

JJ: Why me!

Hotch: It was either you or Emily and well I choose you so get ready to go undercover.

Emily: Ha.

Hotch: Actually Emily you can go too but I just want you inside.

JJ: Ah Ha, hitting her in the arm.

*Already inside the coffee shop*

Emily: Watching the blonde enter in the uniform, looking her up and down.

She was wearing skinny jeans, a black shirt with the coffee shop logo, a green apron, and her hair pulled back. She was there for about an hour and yet nothing happened.

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