Bachelorette party!

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I don't know how much I like this chapter but the next ones are definitely going to get interesting. Thank you all for the votes and comments❤️

*6 months later*

Garcia: Alright ladies, are you exited. You better be I planned the whole thing.

Emily: Pen of course we're excited.

JJ: Now am I nervous to see what you have planned? Yes, yes I am.

Penelope: You two are gonna have a blast I know it. Rubbing her hands together, are you ready!!

Both JJ and Emily: At the same time, yes.

Emily: Both looking at each other before the doors opened, first noticing everyone was there, all their friends. Hotch, Rossi, Tara, Alex, Derek, Reid, and of course Penelope. Then she noticed a few decoration almond with a big screen in the room. Squeezing the blondes hand tighter showing her excitement.

JJ: Squeezing Emily's hand back, I know this is a bachelorette party and usually only woman come but I can imagine not having them here, she thought before being pulled into a group hug.

Penelope: Everyone ready, here look at the screen, this is the video of the engagement.

Tara: Finally, I've been waiting to see this since I knew you both were together.

Emily: Sorry guys you can't hear anything after we sit on the bench.

*A few minutes later after the video*

Penelope: That was the cutest thing I've ever watched.

They got to talking and when that happens time flies. Soon it was an hour later.

JJ: Noticing Penelope was gone, hey where did our lovely Pen disappear off too.

Everyone turned around to see a table with shot glasses already full.

Penelope: Walking into the room with another bottle in her hand. Are you ready for the fun stuff. Come sit, pick a place. Choose wisely remember everyone's getting hammered.

Emily: Oh miss Garcia what do you have planned walking over to the table arm slightly touching the bottom of JJs back.

JJ: walking in front of Emily, her hand on my lower back, tingles roamed my body as I sat down Emily beside me.

Penelope: So here are the rules I'll ask a few starter questions to warm everyone up. Answer honestly because if not then there is no fun in that, for the first warm up questions, if you have done it or it's you raise a hand. The questions mostly revolve around these two pointing at Emily and JJ, because you know it's their party. One more thing we all get to ask questions and we all have to take a shot if we have done it. Warm up questions for the two ladies.

JJ: Hit us with it Pen.

Penelope: Ever laughed during sex.

Jemily: Smiling as they nodded. Sitting back emily put an arm around JJ.

Derek: If you haven't laughed during sex then you ain't doing it right.

Penelope: Who is more dominant.

Emily: Biting her lip in thought. Well I would have to go with both of us.

JJ: Yeah.

Penelope: Switches I love it, ok get ready everyone is joining. Rossi you're up first.

Rossi: Ever had sex with one of us in the next room. Taking a shot himself along with Derek.

Emily: Ok we're gonna step right into it huh. Leaning forward grabbing two shot glasses handing one to JJ. I'm glad I had a drink before this.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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