Wanting Touch

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I really like this chapter so once again have fun!!

The team didn't have any cases so they have all been mostly doing paperwork. Which was fine they all needed to catch up on it.

JJ looked out from her office noticing Emily scribbling away and couldn't help but notice how gorgeous she was focused. JJ she knew she was bi but didn't tell anyone she just stuck to men because she was scared to tell people.  she didn't wanna be judged by the people she cared for most but she couldn't help having thoughts of Emily. She had the most beautiful smile. She stood up flinched her eyes and kinda shook her body to get the thoughts out of her head and went to get a cup of coffee.

Emily: hey, grabbing a cup.

JJ: oh crap, tensing up.

Emily: oh sorry did I scare you.

JJ: laughing oh just startled me a little.  I only got a few more files to go through then I can go home. So, how was you're date. 

Emily: Um it was amazing she lied. She actually called it off.

JJ: oh that's good she smiled happy for her, but deep down she wished it could be with her. Well I'm going to go finish up.

Emily couldn't help it but her smile made her so happy it as a huge grin on her face that JJ noticed.

JJ: what.

Emily: oh nothing she said sipping her coffee. 

JJ: ok I'm gonna get back to my office and finish those files walking away when she accidentally brushed up against Emily.

Emily backed up and leaned against the counter with her elbows back holding her weight as she watched her all the way to her office. Thinking, WOW.

JJ could feel Emily's eyes. JJ was feeling so many things in that moment she didn't know what to do. Finally in her office she closed the door behind her and took a deep breath. Sitting in her chair and leaning back looking up at the ceiling taking another deep breath. God I want her bad but she was confused she has never felt like this with anyone. About an hour and a half passed by and JJ was finished but stayed in her office for about an hour.

Emily finished her files and wondered why she hasn't seen the blonde yet. Deciding to go to her office where she found JJ sleeping with her head in her arms on her desk.  Tilting her head and just stared at her for a second thinking about how much this one woman affected her, but then she walked over to the blonde and gave her a little shake to wake her up.

JJ: picking her head up. Speaking groggily, damn it I finished those files and didn't even notice I fell asleep. I swear just laid my head down for a second, putting her hands with a laugh.

Emily: laughing too, do you want me to drive you home.

JJ: no Em I can't ask you to do that.

Emily: you're not asking I'm offering and I'm going to take you home I can't have something happen to you. Then in the morning I'll pick you up too.

JJ: mmh fine but just this once she said smiling.

The ride to her house was about 15 mins

Emily: so you said you got done all the files today.

JJ: yeah and I'm glad because I don't wanna worry about it. I still have more to go through but that I start tomorrow. Did you finish everything up.

Emily: yeah I took a while but I got it done.

They talked and laughed about random things until Emily pulled up to JJ's house. 

Emily: Okay-we-are-here, spreading out the sentence as she parked.

JJ: thank you so much Em. I probably would have fallen asleep at the wheel if it wasn't for you, giving off a soft smile. 

Emily: yep, I'll see you tomorrow, grabbing JJ's hand that was on her leg and squeezed it. Letting her know she cared.

JJ: ok se ya, getting out of the car,

Emily's eyes followed her again.

Emily got home and immediately got changed and climbed into bed thinking about the beautiful blonde. All of a sudden she woke up being called in early for a case, immediately texting JJ

Hey Jen I'll pick you up in 20 mins if that's ok.

That's fine thank you again.

Hopping in the SUV.

Emily: so Jen how did you sleep, looking back while she turned the wheel.

JJ: I slept but I wouldn't say the best, letting off a cheep smile.

Emily: I was tossing and turning most of the night. Oh hey I'm going to stop for coffee do you want something.

JJ: oh yeah make sure it's-

Emily: yes black with only a little sugar, Jen I know this. I still don't understand how you like that though.

JJ: snipping back, and your coffee is too sweet I don't get how you drink it.

Emily: hmmm. Here you go.

JJ: why thank you. She was smiling and didn't even realize it.

*A day later. Now on the plane back from the case*

Getting heated, JJ backed Emily against the bathroom wall lightly. Emily slowly ran her hands down JJ's sides then moved it between the blondes legs rubbing lightly teasing her turning her around pinning her against the wall. Then she moved her hand up and pushed it down her pants rubbing her clit. JJ was biting her lip with a smile.

Emily: we shouldn't be doing this here, whispering in JJ's mouth kissing her, leisurely moving one hand up pinching her nipple hard.

JJ: trembling more at each touch, oh god yes we should moaning back in her mouth making out while Emily went faster.

Emily: mm fine you naughty girl, slowing down, then you better be quiet.

JJ: Please keep going, trying not to beg she bit her lip barely able to stand sliding down the wall.

Emily: Putting her hand around her back pulling her up, kissing her neck, sliding her fingers into her, cum for me baby.

JJ: moaning with her mouth closed so nobody would hear. Oh god Emily just like that, holding all her oxygen shutting her eyes tight as she came, leaning her head on Emily's shoulder.

Emily: good girl, pulling her hand out of the blondes pants, kissing lightly on the lips, arms holding her as she trembled.  Jen. Jen. Jennifer.

JJ: WHAT, sitting up,opening her eyes, panting.

Emily: Jen you're shaking, are you ok, squatting down in between her legs, placing her hands on the blondes thighs.

JJ: laying her head back on the leather seat. I'm good Em it was a nightmare, taking a deep breath, heart beating fast.

Emily: ok you sure, she said with a sincere look on her face.

JJ: yes Emily, I promise, placing a hand over hers.

Emily: Ok, moving up stting beside her.

JJ: thanks though.

Emily: anytime, reaching out for the blondes hand giving it a light squeeze.

JJ: Smiling back as thoughts raced her mind once again. You have got to be kidding me! Like why the hell did I have to have that dream. I mean I'm not complaining but like I already want her. God I want her, looking at the brunette peacefully looking out the jet window. Why does everything have to be so damn confusing. Holy crap, was I making noise? God I hope I wasn't, feeling slightly embarrassed.

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