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When I write does it actually seem like stuff that they say and do because I hate reading fics that don't. I hope I'm not one I try my best to actually resemble them. Let me know if it doesn't I'll try and fix it with the new parts.

*couple days later on the jet talking about the new case.*

Emily: The way the bodies are positioned shows remorse she said tilting her head looking at the pictures. Then her phone rang again, picking it up turning off the sound.

Hotch: You sure you don't need to take it that's the third call you've gotten.

Emily: I'm sure she said but then noticed got another call. Actually sorry one second, standing up then walking to the bathroom putting the phone to her ear.

Hotch just nodded.

Emily: Who the hell is calling now shutting the door behind her.

Ambassador: Hello Emily.

Emily: Ambassador she said confused and surprised.

Ambassador: Yes! I wanted see how you are doing.

Emily: I'm at work, why are you calling me why now.

Ambassador: To see how you are.

Emily: Speaking up, no it doesn't work like that you calling me now, I'll admit that's funny but I won't forgive you so just stop, she hung up the phone, walking back out.

Hotch: Is everything all right.

Emily: Yeah sorry um catch me up.

They did they are looking for an unsub killing women around the age of 20 with light blonde hair. They believe he's doing it out of anger on a past relationship but after the unsub kills he feels remorse so he changes the bloody clothes off the women and cleans them up then places them in local parks.

After they were done they all split up and sat wherever and got comfortable for the rest of the jet ride. Emily and JJ sat beside each other as usual.

JJ: Hun are you ok, Em she said grabbing her hand.

Emily: Interlacing her fingers with the blondes. Yea um my mother called me, looking away from the blonde and out the jet window, I think she thinks that I'm gonna forgive her.

JJ: Why does she think that. Emily look at me she said in a soft but sweet carrying tone.

Emily: Baby I can't, if I look at you I'm going to start crying and I don't wanna, squeezing her hand voice shakey.

JJ: Ok, rubbing her thumb over Emily's knuckles.

Emily: I don't know but when she came into the BAU about a week ago I pulled her into a room and when I was yelling at her I told her I might have forgiven her if she called seventeen years ago but she didn't. So I guess she has in her head now that if she calls I'll forgive her but it's too late.

JJ: It might be good to forgive her though, switching her other hand to hold Emily's then wrapped her other arm around the brunettes arm.

Emily: I know but I don't think I can she said tearing welling in her eyes, looking up blinking a couple times.

JJ: Rubbing Emily's arm. That's ok she said leaning onto Emily to comfort her. You get to take all the time you need because you deserve it.

Emily: With her free hand she put it on the blondes chin and moved her face to where they were looking at each other. I love you she said before lightly. kissing her on the lips.

JJ: I love you too she said placing her head back down on Emily's shoulder.

They got to the local police department and set up.

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