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Everyone was there they were just waiting on Emily and JJ they weren't late the rest of the team was early. They both stopped at the restaurants door and looked at each other, took a deep breath then walked inside. The waiter showed them where their table was and they walked up.

Rossi: You girls do look good he said when they walked over then sat down beside each other.

Everyone looked amazing all dressed up.

Derek: So is nobody gonna ask, shouting, then everyone looked at him.

Rossi: Oh yeah so where is the date at, you said you would bring him.

JJ: Oh I did, looking at Emily.

Derek: Where is he, he said looking around.

Reid: Is he gonna be late.

Hotch: That isn't a good first impression.

Emily: Nope he's not late she's sitting right here, waving her hand then tucking her hair behind her ear.

Garcia: Finally, ahhh haaaa I knew it, pointing at Emily.

Reid: What you guys are dating, oh congratulations.

Hotch: Yeah congrats.

Derek: Wow how long has this been going on. Wait and Garcia knew.

JJ: Well a few months give or take and yes she knew and didn't tell, holding up a finger.

Emily: Yeah and somehow you guys didn't figure it out. Yeah I owe you 20 bucks and JJ owes you 30 sorry we really thought you would have blabbed.

Garcia: Nope I get it. So um that 50 bucks now or later, laughing.

Reid: Actually one day months back well actually 6 months and 2 weeks ago and 2 days I said and I quote what's going on between them.

Derek: I remember that but I thought that was because of when you guys were kidnapped.

Emily: Oh nope you were way off she said laughing.

Derek: How did I not know, he muttered quietly to himself.

Hotch: Well none of us knew.

Derek: Come on prove it, he said big the biggest smirk.

JJ: And how would you like us to do that, she said in a sassy tone.

Emily: Like this, putting a hand under her chin pulling her in for a quick but passionate kiss.

JJ: Butterflies going through her body, opening her eyes, I mean I guess that works.

Garcia: Ahhh I love you guysssss.

The waiter finally came over and asked them what they wanted and they all ordered and Emily asked for more wine and so did Rossi.

Hotch: So how's everyone doing.

Meave: I'm doing good he said looking at Reid with a soft smile.

Savannah: Oh I'm doing good as well we're moving in together.

Beth: I'm moving back here I got a new job so I'm happy to be able to spend more time here, speaking up for everyone to hear.

Rossi: Oh that's amazing I'm happy for you.

Emily: We all are, as they all smiled at her, grabbing JJ's hand from under the table.

The blonde looked into Emily's beautiful brown eyes and all she wanted to do was kiss her. Then Emily grabbed JJ's thight and slid it up nonchalantly so nobody else would know. Then she squeezed it. Making JJ feel anxious but in a good way. Then JJ gave her a look. Then the next thing she did surprised the blonde, Emily slid her hand up her dress even further and rubbed over it teasing her then stopped.

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