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Emily ran to the bathroom with tears in her eyes hyperventilating as JJ followed her not knowing what happened.

Few moments earlier.

Derek: Hey girl how's the wedding plans going.

Emily: It's going great but you are not invited she said with jokingly smile.

Derek: Well that sucks for you because I'm the life of the party he said laughing.

Emily: Hmm if you say so.

Reid: You know 51 percent of marriages end in divorce, he randomly said while reading.

JJ: Well lucky for us it won't be.

Emily: Damn right it won't she said grabbing the blonde from behind and kissing her cheek.

JJ: I love you.

Emily: Mmm I love you more.

Reid: Wait who's that I haven't seen her here before.

Emily froze for a second turning around slowly walking to the bathroom, hands reaching up intertwining in her hair.

Reid: What's wrong he said to JJ.

JJ: Um I don't know Spence she said following after her.

Emily was in the bathroom in the stall sitting on the toilet, looking down at her hands. They were shaking and she was breathing heavily. Covering her face with them.

JJ: Hey honey are you ok, open the door and the brunette did. That was your mom wasn't it.

Emily: Mmhmm yeah she said with shock in her voice trying to breath steadily.

JJ: Come here she knelt down putting her hands on Emily's knees then grabbed her arms lightly to remove her hands from her face, they were still shaking but she held on to them with a tight grip.

Emily: I don't know what to do she said with a tear going down her face, one hand letting go of JJ's wiping it away, god why am I so angry. What the hell is she doing here? Running her fingers through her thick dark hair.

JJ: Come here she said pulling her up off the toilet seat and in for a long tight hug.

Emily: Putting her head on the blondes shoulder and her arms wrapped around her waist squeezing her not wanting to let go.

JJ: Em everything will be ok she said squeezing her back.

Emily: With her I'm not so sure what is going to happen, taking a deep breath then walking over to the sink. Trouble just follows her literally everywhere.

JJ: Honey look at me, you're going to talk to her and everything is going to work out fine.

Emily looked at her self just starring thinking. Then she turned around and looked at the blonde.

Emily: Baby I don't know what I'd do with out you pulling her in for a light kiss on the lips.

JJ: Oh you mean the world to me kissing her on the lips putting brushing her hands up and down Emily's sides.  In a soft tone, Emily honey you can do this.

Emily: I knew I was going to have to confront her some time but god I didn't know today was the day. Pacing back and fourth, biting her nails.

JJ: Hun!

Emily: Why today? What does she even want? What if I end up yelling?

JJ: Honeeeeeyyyy, trying to get her attention.

Emily: Maybe I should yell! No I'm at work.

JJ: Getting in front of her stopping Emily right in her tracks, honey you got this and you're rambling

I'm all yours (Jemily)Where stories live. Discover now