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This is a semi longer chapter. Have fun!!

Everyone except JJ and Emily were in the waiting room. Garcia was crying and Morgan was pacing. Rossi and Reid were just sitting and staring at the floor. Hotch also sitting but he was calm with a tough face on like he always did but they all knew he was scared deep down.

Doctor: I'm here about Jennifer Jareau, walking into the waiting room.

All: all of them turned toward the doctor as Hotch stood up and said yes.

Doctor: She is doing well and is in recovery.

Derek: Ok that's good. Um what about Emily Prentiss. I believe she came in before Jennifer.

Doctor: Oh her head she has a severe concussion. A gash on her ribs that I think need stitches and they wanna look at her appendix it looks inflamed but it could go down. So we just have to wait time will tell.

Garcia: oh when can we see Jenifer, feeling weird saying her name like that but she wanted the doctor to understand her.

Doctor: You can actually see her now but one at a time.

They all took their turns visiting JJ one at a time first Garcia went, then Rossi, Derek, Reid, and lastly Hotch.

Hotch: How are you feeling.

JJ: I'm feeling fine and then they had a little conversation. He started to leave but she stopped him to ask one more question.

Hotch: What is it, turning around.

JJ: How's Emily. She came in worse than me.

Hotch: She's doing fine.

JJ: Hotch come on please be honest with me what's going on, putting her hands together. The doctors won't tell me anything, is she ok.

Hotch: I am being honest she'll be out soon she got stitches. Her appendix was inflamed so they are watching that.

JJ: Ok, starring blankly, but you'll tell me when she's in recovery right, eyes flicking up to meet his.

Hotch: Yes I will and you get some rest, he said leaving her alone in the room.

About an hour and thirty minutes later Emily was in recovery.

Emily: Waking up in a blur, where's jenn-ifer at, looking at the nurse, rubbing her eyes with her free hand. Wait what's on my arm, looking down at it.

Nurse: It's a sling you need to keep it on for a couple days and you can see her tomorrow you need the rest.

Emily: Ok well, I'm saying this in the nicest way possible you can let me see her now or I will get out of this bed and go to her, trying to be nice.

Nurse: You can see her tomorrow.

Emily: Ok fine you asked for it she said slowly raising herself to get you of bed pulling the blanket off her legs.

Nurse: Ok stop she said lightly helping her lay back down we'll get you a room together. I didn't think you would be able to sit up, letting out a light laugh.

Emily: Well thank you, I really didn't feel like walking all the way to her, cuz I'll be honest it did hurt, letting out a cheep laugh.

*In the room together*

JJ: Emily omg I was so terrified. I didn't know what was going on you passed out then spit up blood then then she stuttered and passed out again then they wouldn't tell me what was wrong I felt like my lung was being torn out of me I could breath god Derek basically carried me over to an ambulance well actually he did. She didn't notice she was rambling.

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