The knife...

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Sorry this chapter is a long one.

Is everyone ok Hotch came through the door looking at the women. Emily was on the floor unconscious and JJ was hovering over her trying to wake her.

Earlier that day.

Hotch: ok so these guys are picking up women off the streets that are physically fit. Kind of like you and Emily.

JJ: Yes we know this what are you getting at.

Emily: Jen he wants us to go undercover.

JJ: oh ok that makes sense.

Hotch: You just need to figure out if men fitting their type has been here. Under no circumstances should you go after them he said with a straight face.

Both girls together: Ok

Emily: Got it

JJ: What do you need us to do first.

They were in the bathroom getting changed. They had to wear something that seemed like they would go to the bar in.

JJ: Slipping off the button up. Are you nervous.

Emily: looking up at the blonde as she slipped on a different shirt too. Um not yet, it usually hits me once I'm about do it.

They were now dressed and Emily was putting something on the inside of her hip.

JJ: What are you doing.

Emily: Jen it's a knife I always carry it with me. I'm putting it there just in case I need it.

JJ: Wait you always carry it?

Emily: yeah look, tucking it in you don't even notice it.

JJ: Ok be careful with it.

Emily: only if you give me a kiss. Leaning over. They walked out of the bathroom then over to the team. Grabbing their bags to put the guns in.

Hotch: ok when you get to the bar see if you notice any suspicious men or big vans.

Both of them sat at a table talking when they heard a scream. So they ran to it with their guns already in their hands.

JJ: let go of them and he did, but now pointing the gun at her.

Man: Get her.

Emily: Don't touch her. She said pointing the gun at him moving in slowly.

Man: Ehh get her too, shrugging.

They were surrounded and couldn't do anything but they did their best and shot at them. Their was about six other men. They each shot 2 each, then were tackled down but the other 2 knocking the guns out of their hands as they were pushed into a van and drugged.

Morgan: looking at the bodies, their must been like six men, now pacing with his hands on his head.

Reid: What do we do now. We didn't plan on them being taken.

Hotch: We do our jobs and profile the unsubs and find them.

Emily opening her eyes feeling groggy, blinking a couple times. Noticing the blonde beside her dropped over.

Emily: JJ she said in low raspy whisper but their was no answer. JEN she said again a little louder.

Groaning the blonde lifted her head slowly.

JJ: How the hell did we get here, shuffling around.

Emily: They must have drugged us but are you ok. Are you hurt.

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