24. Debby ryan whO?

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Anne was tired after the halloween party and spent most of the weekend sleeping and reading in bed, much to Marillas displeasure.

When Monday finally rolled around Anne was slumped back into her irritable state. Although she had reconnected with Gilbert and everything was going well, she still was being continually posted about online and harassed by paparazzi. Some even tried to wait outside her house, Marilla put a stop to that real quick.
Even though there weren't many left, they still constantly put Anne's mood down. All she wanted was time to spend with Gilbert without stupid people harassing them and also time in peace.

She practically fell out of bed that morning, her reluctance to go in at an all time high. She pulled on a large black baggy hoodie and some leggings with her doc martins. Her hair was a state but she tied it into a loose plait and left her face bare.

Anne was up late so she had to skip breakfast, to which Marilla said "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" Anne had heard that almost a thousand times before. Parents just can't stop repeating the same boring lectures.

Luckily Diana was on time and was pulled up outside ready for Anne to hop in.
As they drove to school they chatted about all the drama that went down, Josie and Billy got into a fight and Ruby kissed Moody. Anne was surprised she missed all of that. Yet again her and Gilbert did fall asleep pretty early...together...in the same bed...cuddling.
But they are just friends, and that's what friends do...right?

Diana also couldn't stop mentioning how much fun she had hanging out with Jerry that night and Anne was getting a little bit suspicious.

"I'm sure you've mentioned Jerry about six times in the past ten minute Di, you got something you wanna tell me??" She grinned at her bosom friend as her cheeks tinted red.

"Uh..no, why would you even think that Anne?" Diana mumbled, clearly flustered.

"No reason..." Anne replied, mischief coursing through her.


Soon they arrived at school and immediately headed to first period. Drama with Ms Stacy.

Ms Stacy was one of Annes favourite teachers, she was always so nice and kind and actually understood Anne. Unlike evil Mr Phillips.

As the class settled down, Anne glanced across the aisle to see Gilbert getting his equipment out. His hair looked extra soft and curly today and his faint freckles more prominent.
Annes eyes widened as she realised she was staring and immediately turned to face Diana who winked at her with a knowing look. Anne merely groaned in annoyance.

"Listen up class!" Ms Stacy called and the class fell into silence.
"Today i have been given some VERY exciting news!"

The class broke out into whispers.
"I wonder what it is..." Said Diana,

"What if it's a school dance, that would be so romantic!" Ruby sighed before gazing at Moody across the room.

"Ugh i want something actually fun. Romance is stupid." An obviously still bitter Josie chimed in.

The girls just rolled their eyes.

"Class SILENCE!" Everyone froze. Mr Phillips walked in looking as crusty as ever. Everyone tried to suppress their disgust and confusion as to why he was here but failed miserably.

"The school has allowed us to take you and the other drama class on a school trip to New York City for two weeks! Where we can go round and watch lots of musicals and maybe even do some sightseeing and perhaps a theme park is involved." Ms Stacy smirked as the class erupted into a screams and chatter of excitement.

The girls were bouncing around in there seats, their excitement unmatched.

"New York City!!!!" Ruby squealed.

"I've always wanted to see musicals in New York city!!" Jane laughed as she used a New York accent.

"I'm more excited for the theme park!" Diana admitted as the others chimed in.
Anne was beyond ecstatic. Two weeks away with all her best friends, in a famous and magical city, away from the horrible paparazzi. Anne couldn't have had better luck! Plus she could actually spend time with Gilbert in peace!

Annes eyes quickly drifted to Gilbert who was smiling with Charlie, Jerry, Cole and Moody, the boys were obviously happy too.

"Also," Ms Stacy quickly cut in. "Some more reminders, Mr Phillips and I will be head chaperones along with a few other teachers, and we will be staying in a quite fancy hotel courtesy of Mr Andrews, our benefactor, knowing someone who owns one. And after much persuasion, i have made sure you are allowed to choose who you room with, as long as it's not the opposite sex, and that both boys and girls can share one level of rooms and not be split."

Although they hated the fact Mr Phillips would be coming, they were more excited over how they could all room together and that they could be next to the boys.

They all practically crammed into their lunch table.

"Okay so," Anne exclaimed over the chaos of the table. "I asked Ms Stacy and she said that their are no five bed bedrooms, but there are two six bed bedrooms and i've already gotten her to not give them out to anyone yet."

Everyone sighed in relief as they all began to discuss.

"We should try and get bedrooms next to each other so we don't have to keep walking up and down the corridor." Tilly said,


"We also should hang out all together and like watch films and play games!" Ruby squealed as she leaned against Moody in happiness.

"Oh we should also try to sneak out and go places, the city's so beautiful at night." Anne smiled.

"Wow Anne when did you become so rebellious?" Gilbert laughed as Anne shrugged.

"Is Anne a rebel now? Radio Rebel? Debby Ryan whO?" Moody joked as the table all started pulling that dumb face.

"I wish i was that iconic, i just really wanna see New York at night, i heard it's beautiful!" She swooned a little. Gilbert's heart eyes rested on her as he watched and listen to her blabber on about her love for New York.

Gilbert had been there once on tour but he was more than excited to go back. Especially now with his friends and most importantly Anne.

"Guys i am so excited!!!" Jane practically screamed as everyone else continued to gush.

This will be interesting...

this is lowkey rushed cuz i really just wanna get into the excitement of the school trip
also i've been kinda drowned in school work!!

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