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By the time I was out there the sun was beginning to peek from behind the trees. I followed the commotion to Rick's house, next door. I walked in seeing a man with long brown hair, surrounded by Rick, Michonne, Daryl, and Carl.

"Y'all good?" I asked, nodding to Michonne.

"We're good." Rick huffed, making the man sit. "This is Jesus."

I nodded at Daryl and he beckoned me towards the door.

"Can you guard the door? Make it discrete."

"Sure thing." I nodded. I sat out on the steps, taking my gun apart, using my sleeve to wipe it down some.

A few people passed, but mostly everyone who needed to know was inside.

It wasn't long before everyone filed out of the house.

"Hey, what's happening?" I asked, following Daryl.

"Says he's from a place called the Hilltop, he's trading with other communities, we're gonna go check it out-"

"No shit?" I held back the smile on my lips.

"No shit." He confirmed. "You should stay-"

"You should stay!" I huffed. "There's no way I'm not going." I shook my head.

We moved back to the room, and packed our things.

"Meet you by the RV." Daryl spoke, pressing a kiss to my ear.

I added some water to the pack I usually take with me, then found Denise.

She was with Daryl at the RV.

"Hey, you gonna be okay?" I asked, letting Daryl take my pack.

"Yeah, have you started Eddie on meds yet?" She asked.

"Yes, he's had one today, and he needs one this evening after he eats." I told her.

"Okay, you guys be safe." She nodded.

"Always." I spoke, getting in the RV behind Abraham.

During the ride, I could tell Abraham was curious about something until he asked about Glenn and Maggie's pregnancy.

I smiled, at Glenn's answers, loving the idea that hopefully someday all of our kids could play together.

"Maybe someday when all of us are old our kids will be doing this." I offered. "Going out, scouting, creating a world a lot bigger than ours will be be."

"That's terrifying." Glenn sighed, smiling down at a sleeping Maggie.

"I think it's damn right beautiful." Abraham nodded.

I looked over at Daryl looking out of the window. I'm sure he was listening but not completely invested in the conversation.

I wondered if he ever wanted kids- or if we were even there yet.

I don't think I could even have kids at this point anyway.

"You want kids?" Daryl's question surprised me. He had turned to look at me, gnawing at his thumbnail.

"I did." I nodded, tugging his hand from his face.


"I do." I shrugged. "Do you?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Ain't never thought about it." He let out a sigh.

I didn't push the conversation anymore, but let him think about it himself.

The ride was pretty smooth until Rick stopped the RV.

"There's a crash up ahead. Looks like it just happened." Rick announced.

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