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Winter walks down the busy street filled with people. Everyone is chatting and walking with either their partners, or friends. Even the little kids have their parents to keep them company.

Winter sighs as she hugs herself. She's tired of being so alone.

Ever since she moved to this new town she hasn't been able to make any friends.

"Isn't L.A. supposed to be a place for opportunity," Winter huffs as she wipes a bead of sweat from her forehead.

Being alternative in California is hard. The sun melts Winter's skin through her black flowy dress.
She can feel the sweat in her boots.

Winter walks up the steps to her apartment complex and unlocks the door.

She sighs as she sets her bag down on a hook by the door.

She walks into her kitchen and grabs a snack to eat.

Once she has a slice of avocado toast prepared she takes a bite and walks into her living room.

She turns on her stereo and blasts her music through it.

She smiles to herself as she lets the music take her away to a much happier place.

Winter sits down on her couch and picks up an alternative fashion magazine that she found at a clothing shop.

She scrolls through it, getting new ideas for new looks and outfits.

Winter's phone buzzes and she smiles as she sees it's one of her friends from her hometown in Minnesota.

"Hey how are you enjoying that sun? I'm freezing my butt off," the message reads.

Winter smirks as she bites her lip excitedly.

"It's hot and sweaty," Winter replies.

She sets her phone down and pulls her grey cat into her lap.

"Hey Ash," Winter smiles as she strokes the fur underneath Ash's chin.

Suddenly Winter's phone starts ringing.

She picks it up and answers it.

"Hello?" She says.

"Hey, it's me Ann," Winter's friend says.

"Hey. How's the snow?" Winter smirks.

Ann laughs.

"It's good for wearing all black," Ann snickers.

"Yeah, yeah," Winter huffs as she looks down at her sweaty feet.

"So how's it going out there?" Ann asks.

"Meh. My job is nice but I haven't made any friends so it's quite lonely," Winter admits.

"You'll find some friends. It just takes time. We've been friends since fifth grade and it's taken this long for us to become really close," Ann reminds her.

Winter sighs.

"Yeah I know. I'm just tired of waiting," Winter huffs.

"It's going to take time whether you like it or not. People are real jaded these days so it might be harder for them to let you in," Ann explains.

"That's true," Winter sighs as she lays down on the couch.

"So are you living your California dream?" Ann chuckles.

"For sure. Taking pictures for an alternative modeling company is super awesome," Winter giggles, she really likes her job, it makes her feel comfortable and at home.

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