Part 1: The Bar

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-Warning: This chapter contains sexual description. If you are uncomfortable please don't read.-


Izuku knew, God he knew he wasn't supposed to be here. Yet the familiar stale scent filled his nostrils, the reek of alcohol and sweat had him scrunching up his nose as the chatter of drunk, lonely people entered his ears. He still sat down on a wooden stool situated in front of a counter and called the bartender. He had work in the morning, well a potential work offer at least. He had to be on his way to Bakugou Corp. at seven in the morning sharp, but here he was, yet again to drink away his problems that were swallowing him whole. He took his drink in his hand and gulped it down, the liquid burning his throat as it rushed into his system. Vodka. That's what it was, he was going to get shitfaced.

He let his eyes scan the room for nothing in particular. Though they stopped when they landed on a couple making out in the corner. 'Must be fucking nice.' He thought as he eyed his now empty drink in his hand. He was mad and frustrated and the alcohol did little to suppress his feelings. Instead it fueled him even more. Swirling the excess liquid in his glass as he sighed, he wasn't drunk, not even close. He was about to get up and return to his apartment when a husky voice caught his attention.

"What's a beauty like you doing in a crappy bar this late?" Izuku rolled his eyes and turned to look at the person, his breathing hitched. Piercing ruby colored eyes stared directly into his, the stare filled with lust and curiosity. The blond haired man's breath tickled his face when he leant in close to the smaller male, studying him. This man was beautiful, his blond hair was pointy but looked soft, a scowl was present amongst his features along with a sharp jawline. Izuku bought his attention back to the intense gaze of the hot stranger.

"I could ask you to same thing, handsome," he flirted. Yes, Izuku was a confident drunk. If he was sober, there was no way he could've said that without stuttering. He watched the man's face change into an amused expression as he called over the bartender and ordered two drinks. Clinking their glasses together, the two males gulped down the liquid as the blond attempted to make conversation.

"So? What're you here for beautiful?" Izuku's mood darkened slightly but he pushed the question aside. He didn't want to end up spilling his guts out to a random stranger so he just repeated the question to the blond who laughed slightly.

"Fucking stress and work," the blond replied as he called the bartender for another drink. There was something about the blond that was...alluring, or maybe the overdose of alcohol was finally getting to his system. Either way, the blond was unbelievably attractive and Izuku shamelessly let his eyes wander the taller man's structure. Toned muscles could be seen under the black skull t-shirt he was wearing. Black jeans fitted his muscular legs and a black adidas shoes completed the look. This man was by the far the most attractive in the room. 

"So stranger, am I getting a name?" the taller male smiled and set his attention on his glass in front of him.

"Hm, I don't know beautiful. You've been a little quiet in terms of questions. Why don't you tell me your name first huh?" Izuku laughed at the man. It was true, he didn't want to give out his information but the alcohol was taking control and suddenly the idea of giving a stranger his name wasn't such a bad idea.

"Well, it's Izuku, not beautiful. But I wouldn't mind the nickname," he winked and gave a lazy smile towards the blond who laughed in response.

"Quite the flirt I see. Katsuki but I'm not too opposed to handsome." Izuku laughed as he felt himself get a little lighter. He was in a bar chatting off with a stranger and he was actually enjoying himself which was a first because normally he just drank until he threw up or until he left with a random dude. His night got a little better.

"Let's get outta here. What'd you think?"

And then they were in a cab headed towards Izuku's apartment. They arrived at a pale blue flat with big windows that were adorned by whited pleated curtains. A porch was at the front surrounded my white banisters and a chocolate colored door was at the front of the house. They exited the cab with Katsuki paying and made their way to the large house.

"Are you sure?" Izuku breathed in and pushed Katsuki down on the bed, crawling onto his lap.

"Yes. But you sound unsure." Katsuki replied by roughly grabbing Izuku's hips and bringing him closer. The greenette saw this as an invitation and weaved his hand into the surprisingly soft hair of the blond and pulled him forward, meeting his lips.

The alcohol rushed through Izuku's system and clouded his brain as Katsuki slipped his tongue into Izuku's mouth making Izuku moan into the kiss. Katsuki hands found their way under the smaller male's shirt and trailed his hands over the soft skin making Izuku shudder from the intimate contact. Katsuki used one hand to cup Izuku's ass and the other to mess with Izuku's pink bud under his clothes while still kissing him. The action caused Izuku to arch his back into the blond and unintentionally rolled his hips forward producing a desired friction that made Katsuki groan lowly. He flipped Izuku on his back and ripped off his shirt along with Izuku's.

Izuku didn't have control over his body or mouth as he whimpered softly under Katsuki when Katsuki bit his neck. His head thrown back as Katsuki took Izuku's length in his hand pumping it slowly.

"Sit on my face." Izuku wasted no time in swinging his legs over Katsuki face while he braced his hands on Katsuki thighs going down to suck at Katsuki's tip swirling his tongue over the top of the man's shaft. A low moan gave him confidence a boost as he worked his way down until he was pressed nose deep into Katsuki. 

"Fuck..." Katsuki breathed out as he held the greenette's hip once again and guided his mouth the the greenette's pink whole. Without hesitation he slipped his tongue into Izuku going wild as he tasted the sweetness of Izuku. He hummed as he felt a moan come from Izuku as he sent vibrations down Katsuki's shaft. 

Izuku was over come with pleasure as Katsuki's wet muscle massaged his insides making him feel heavenly. He moaned into Katsuki's length triggering a hum from Katsuki that sent waves of pleasure through his body. Izuku didn't slow down in fact he sped up making Katsuki's breath hitch in his throat as he sucked in his cheeks and twirled his tongue along the blond's length. Katsuki responded with thrusting his tongue further into Izuku which made him moan loudly as he felt a knot in his stomach. Bobbing his head up and down as he took it upon himself to ride Katsuki's sinful tongue, he felt a hand grip his hair pushing him down more and making him go faster to which he silently obliged and and tightened his grip on Katsuki's thigh, his nails digging into his skin. Katsuki didn't mind, he was too overcome with pleasure and as he rubbed Izuku's inner walls, he let out a groan as he squirted his hot liquid into Izuku's mouth. Izuku moaned as he reached his climax and took his mouth of the man's shaft.

He was immediately pushed down on the bed by Katsuki and felt his leg be lifted up onto the taller man's shoulder. He arched his back as Katsuki entered him with a low groan. The sensation of him being in Izuku did wonders to his throbbing length as he bottomed out. Moans filled the room as Katsuki pulled out and thrusted in without warning.

"Agnh!" Izuku felt absolutely devine. His mind was overcome with lust as he bounced upward onto the bed, his hands strangling the bedsheets beneath him as his eyes teared up from the huge amounts of pleasure he was now receiving.

"Sh-shit!" Katsuki increased his speed causing the bed to hit against the wall at the fast pace of the blond. His grip on Izuku's upper thigh tightened, sure to leave a mark as he chased his orgasm. 

Izuku responded by calling out his name as he shivered underneath the taller man. Without warning, Izuku released his load onto his chest and moaned loudly when Katsuki painted his inner walls with his liquid.

A/N: Hello! I'm back! This was my time writing a sexual description. How'd I do?

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