imagine #1

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"Ponyboy, take out the trash", Darry yelled.
" Fine, " I yell back, and started for the back door, trash in hand. As I walked out, I looked up at the sky. It was beautiful. All of the pinks, purples, oranges, blues, reds, and yellows. " I could watch this forever, " I thought. Then I realized that I had the garbage in my hand so I took it out. Then Darry called for me so I had to leave the sunset. :( "What?" I said. " you were taking forever! what took you so long, " my brother asked. " I was watching the sunset, "
I replied nonchalantly. He laughed at that comment and went back to reading the paper. I went outside again and surprisingly I didn't miss it! Then a sweet voice calls out to me, " you like sunsets too huh? "
" yeah, umm... "

" I'm Whitney by the way, you? "

" ummm, Ponyboy, Ponyboy Curtis. "
I was waiting for the many replies to that like " that's your real name? " Ponyboy is my real name and I personally like it.

" wow, that's an awesome name, I'm literally naming my kid that! "

" thanks, " I said shyly. " hey ,umn, would you like to watch the sunset with me? "

" I would love to Ponyboy Cutis. "

We went on watching the sunset together, and I decided to recite the Robert Frost poem I learned in English class

" Natures first green is gold, her hardest hue to hold, her early leaf is a flower, but only so an hour, then leaf subsidies to leaf, so Eden sank to greif, so dawn goes down today...... "

" nothing gold can stay. "

She completed the poem! She knew! I can't believe it!

" you know the poem? "

" oh, yeah, I love that poem. "

I smiled at her and we continued watching the sunset. I'll say that was the best sunset ever!!

I didn't know how to end it so I just did this,.... First imagine!

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