imagine #5

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This is for vhs-macchio! Hope you like it!!

This is a collage I made:

This is a collage I made:

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Comment if ya likey!!

At Dallas house, Krystal's pov*

"Krys," my brother Dally yelled from the livingroom . " ya wanna come with me, Johnny, and Pony to the movies? "

" I don't know, what are they playin' "

" Some beach movie... I don't know.. "

" sure, I'll go. "

At the movies

" hey Krys and Johnny, go get somethin' from the concession stand will ya? I'm buying " My older brother Dallas said. " sure" I replied
" come on Johnny, " I held out my hand for him to take, he was hesitant, but he took it.

Johnny's pov*

She held out her hand. I've never held hands with a girl so I was a little scared. But I took it not knowing what else to say or do. She was REALLY beautiful. It kinda intimidated me.
She was also a lot like her brother, Dally, which is just as intimidating.

Then we started for the concession stand hand in was a little awkward, but she was just leading the way.

We finally arrived at the concession stand, which had a relatively short line that consisted of about 6 teens. Then I finally broke the silence.

" so your name is Krystal? That's a pretty name, " I complimented. that was so stupid!! Ugh! I'm an idiot!

She giggled. " thanks? "

Then we were silent again, waiting in line. It was our turn next.

" you guys are such a cute couple! What can I get for you two, " the concession stand lady asked. ( I don't know what to call her)

Krystal's pov*

" we aren't together, " I stated. I didn't want to make Johnny feel uncomfortable, and I knew he wouldn't speak up, so I did.

" oh! Sorry, "

" it's okay! " I said. Johnny still stayed silent. He looked hurt. " what's wrong? "

" oh, nothin', " Johnny voiced. He looked down at his shoes.

" so what can I get for ya? "

" three cokes, one pepsi, four popcorns, and two snickers, one reeses, and one almond Hershey bar.'' I ordered. The guys told me what they wanted before we got here. I paid and then she handed us our snacks.

" okay, here you go, enjoy the movie! ''

" thanks, " me and Johnny said in sync. Then as we were walking back to our seats, Johnny taps me on the shoulder. " hey Krys? W- would you w-want to g-go out s-somet-time? Like t-tomorrow night? "

" sure Johnny, I'd love to," then we took our seats, and handed out the snacks.

Dally got a reeses and a coke, me and Johnny got snickers and cokes, and pony got the almond Hershey bar and the Pepsi. Pony sure is pickey. ( ponys is my fav!)

Me and Johnny held hands the entire movie!

Tomorrow night*

Dally's pov*

Ding-dong! The doorbell rang. I answered it. It was Johnny. " hey johnnycake, whatcha doin here? "

" ummmm, I'm taking your s-sister out of that's ok, w-with you..... " Johnny seemed scared but I couldn't figure out why. " yeah, that's fine, I'll go get her.

Johnnys's pov*

Phew!!! I thought dall was gonna bash my head in! What a relief , he approves!

Then Krystal appeared in the doorway, she looked stunningly gorgeous!! WOW! I'm so lucky to get to go out with her!

" you ready? " she asked. " y-yeah" I answered.

Walking to the vacant lot*

" so what did you have planned? "

" you'll see. "

At the vacant lot, krys' pov*

Johnny led me to a picnic in the lot! It was breathtaking! It had a blue and white blanket, yellow fairy lights, yellow roses, and chocolate chip cookies! My favorite! " Johnny, i -"

" I love you Krystal Winston. I've actually liked you for a while now, and I think you are so beautiful, charming, funny, and a little int i intimidating, but I love you Krys. "
"I love you too Johnny Cade.'

Hope you liked it! Because Johnny sure liked you!

Have a lovely day guys!


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