imagine #22

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Happy Halloween!!!! This is going to be a Halloween imagine!!! Yay!! So, without further ado, here are the pics and feel free to screenshot!! (Sorry I'm advance for so many pony ones lol)

Happy Halloween!!!! This is going to be a Halloween imagine!!! Yay!! So, without further ado, here are the pics and feel free to screenshot!! (Sorry I'm advance for so many pony ones lol)

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I got this from the tv, and edited it lol

I got this from the tv, and edited it lol

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And this was from a computer lol

And this was from a computer lol

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Okay!! Imagine time!!! Also, this doesn't take place in the 60s, it's just a fun thing, just go with it

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Okay!! Imagine time!!! Also, this doesn't take place in the 60s, it's just a fun thing, just go with it.

Pony's pov!!!!*

In was at my house in my room getting on my costume; I'm going to be Top Gun Maverick!! Me and my dad used to watch Top Gun all the time; he said it was a classic.(my dad said that lol) so I put on my fighter pilot suit, aviators, and I was as cool as Dallas! Y as I was checking out how tuff I looked in my mirror, soda yelled,'' come on little buddy, we're gonna be late!! "

" okay, I'll be right there!! " I hollered back, and ran out of my room and to the car; carry out the n keys in the ignition, and we were off!

( I'm just gonna use the name Skylar, because it always messes up when I put y\
n, so yeah) at Skylar's house*

Skylar's pov**

I heard a knock at the door and jumped. It's Halloween, okay? I can be a little scared. Then I went to answer the door. " hey Skylar!! How are you? "

" I'm great!! Come on in!! "

I held the door open so that the boys could enter, Darry was superman, Soda was Steve, and Steve was Soda, Ponyboy was Maverick, from Top Gun, Johnny was a puppy, which was the cutest thing, two-bit was Mickey. And for some reason, Dally was a crayon. " dall, why are you a crayon? I mean pony looks more tuff than you, " I said. I could of laughed at just the mere sight of Dallas in that costume. " hey!''

" oh, sorry pone, you look really good in that fighter pilot suit by the way, " then he smiled, " that's more like it!''

I was a black cat, I love them. So me and johnny were kinda matching.

Pony's pov*

" so! What scary movie do you guys wanna watch? " Skylar asked everyone. " ummm, the ring!! "

" no dallas!! I told you I was scared stiff for a week after watching that!!! Different one please!! "

"Okay then, phyco!"

'' nope. "

" it! "


"It two!!"

'' none of Dallas', someone else pick, pony? "

" ummm, the hitcher? " ( I literally adore that movie!!!!)

" yes!! Good one!! " so I put it on the tv, and we all sat down with candy and popcorn. Occasionally me or pony would go hand out candy to little kids.. He's so sweet.

" hey, pony? "

" yeah Skylar?''

" I love you so much, I just think you're amazing. "

" really? Well, I love you too, I think you're the most gorgeous, intelligent, and sweetest thing that's ever come to tulsa, and I love you. " with that, he hugged he tightly. That was a magical Halloween!!!

Okay, loooonnnnnngggggggg imagine!!! Well, happy Halloween guys!!!!


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