imagine #30

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Ok, my last imagine! I already have the new book set up, it's just not published yet lol. Ok, she didn't request it, but this is for JohnnyCadesGirl, because she was my firs t friend on here and has been an amazing one.  And I wanted her to have the last imagine. So yeah, I hope you like it!!!! As always, here are the pictures:

 So yeah, I hope you like it!!!! As always, here are the pictures:

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Oh!! And @johnhybender helped me with the idea!! Thanks!!! Ok, here's the imagine:

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Oh!! And @johnhybender helped me with the idea!! Thanks!!! Ok, here's the imagine:

Johnny's pov******

I was in the vacant lot when I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly whiped my tears and I flipped out my switchblade and to my surprise it wasn't a soc as I suspected. It was my girlfriend Skylar. "Hi, what are you doing here skylar?"

" I came to see you, have you been crying? "
Darn it. She knows; stayed silent. "Come here baby," she cooed. I love her with all of my heart. She's so caring and thoughtful. She held me. "Everything is gonna be alright,I'm.'' We stayed there for a couple more minutes and then she took me to her house. It wasn't too far of a walk so that was good. She brought me some hot cocoa with the little marshmallows in it. My favorite. She is the best girlfriend a guy could ask for.

Skylar's povvv***!!!

I handed Johnny some hot chocolate and he smiled up at me and said: " I love you skylar, " and took a sip. He's the cutest little thing there is; and I love him. We've been together for a while now. I always find him in the vacant lot crying because home life is hard for him. But I'm here for him. "How do you like it johnnycake?"

" it's great, thanks hon. "

"You're welcome johnny, " I said, taking a seat on the couch with him and putting my arm around him. We turned on my favorite tv show and cuddled together. Johnny was so sweet.

Johnny's pov*

I was cuddling with Skylar and I was just mesmerized with her beautiful face. She was so gorgeous! And she takes such good care of me, Cheers me up when I'm down, and is just the best girl in the universe and I'm so lucky to call her mine.

"Hey skylar?"

" Yeah? " 

" I love you with all my heart Skylar.''

"Me too."

Okay!!!! Last imagine!! But again, book two is coming!!! Stick around for the A\N!!!!!!


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