imagine #16

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You know guys, this book is getting really long! And has a lot of reads!! I'm so exited!! Thanks guys!!! I couldn't have done it without all of you!!! Anyway, this is for HelplesslyDevoted2U!! She has this edit book? Gosh, I'm stupid, I don't know what it's called, but it has these really tuff outsiders ones!!! So go check it out!! Ok, here's the imagine!

You know guys, this book is getting really long! And has a lot of reads!! I'm so exited!! Thanks guys!!! I couldn't have done it without all of you!!! Anyway, this is for HelplesslyDevoted2U!! She has this edit book? Gosh, I'm stupid, I don't know...

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Soda and Steve!!!!

Mac's pov*

I was entering the D.X. to grab a coke; and there wasn't a line so I just walked right up to the counter. There wasn't anyone there so i just waited. Then, out of nowhere, this guy behind me says the most inexplicably rude thing!! " hey, " I hear another man say, " say nice things! " then I started laughing uncontrollably!!

" what's so funny miss, " the man asks; he was really handsome!

I straightened up. " ummm, say nice things? " then he giggled too; you've got to admit, it sounds like something a kindergarten would say...

" well, aren't you cute, " this other guy came in and I swear he looks like he's famous! Then steve whispered something to him.

Steve's pov*

" soda, she's mine, " I whispered in his ear. Then he said, in a normal tone of voice, " ok, ok, fine, " then left the room. It was just me and her. " so, what's you name doll? "

" oh, um, I'm Mac, " she replied, her voice so sweet, gosh, she's just mere perfection. " what a pretty name for such a pretty girl, " I flirted. She wasn't getting it though; She gave me a confused look. " thanks? I just came here to get a coke, so, can you ring me up, " she asked, I was a little lost in her sparkling, beautiful brown eyes. " oh, yeah! " so I wrung up her coke, she was about to pay but I stopped her, " on me doll, "

" oh, ok then-"

" only on one condition, will you go out with me on Sunday? "

" sure, sure I will, " then she started to walk out the d.x., " I'm Steve Randall by the way, "

" ok, um, see you Sunday Steve, " then she was off; wow, I think I had an encounter with an angel!

Ok, I hope you liked it HelplesslyDevoted2U!because Steve sure loves you!!!!


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