imsgine #23

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Okay, I will be taking Halloween requests tomorrow, because I'm busy today, so you can request them, but I'll get them done tomorrow, if that's okay. Ok, this is for HorseboyCurtis!!! I hope you like it!! Go check out her book too, she's a really great writer!!!!

 Ok, this is for HorseboyCurtis!!! I hope you like it!! Go check out her book too, she's a really great writer!!!!

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It's our boys!!!!

Emri's pov*

Me, johnny, and Dallas were walking down the street to the next house. We were trick or treating. And I was a 'zombie Greaser girl', Johnny was a skeleton, and Dallas was a criminal. We looked so spooky together. I held johnny's hand as we walked up the steps. " trick or treat!!! "

Dallas' pov*

We got our candy and I decided to do something. " BOOO!! "

" AGH!!! " emri screeched. I was laughing hysterically! " don't do that Dallas Winston!! "

" yeah, okay doll, "

Johnny's pov*

" don't scare her dall, please? " I pleaded, but I was afraid he wouldn't listen. Emri gets scared easily.

" okay kid. "

"Thanks dall, hey emri? Do you have any of those chocolate eyeballs?"

" yeah! Tons! "

" can I have one? "

" certainly  you can!! " then she handed me an eyeball, I unwrapped in at our it in my mouth. " thamts''

" you're welcome johnny, "

Emris pov*

After I handed Johnny the chocolate eyeball, Sally scared me again. "BOO GREASER!!!!"

" AGHH!!!!''

"dall, dont," Johnny said.

" no one tells Dallas Winston what to do.'


We kept on trick or treating, dally scaring the living daylight out of me. That was a memorable night.

Okay, sorry it's short, I gotta go!! Bye!!


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