imagine #17

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Hey my goldies!! Lol I'm stupid. So this is for peachymultifandom, she's really cool and go check out her Ponyboy book! Ok, here's the imagine!!

 So this is for peachymultifandom, she's really cool and go check out her Ponyboy book! Ok, here's the imagine!!

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I actually got this when watching the outsiders , and edited it! Feel free to screenshot! Lol

Alyssa's pov*

I was at the drive-in with my friend Cherry Valance. We were there with Bob and Randy, but they were drinking so we left them. We were walking to our seats; when we sat down, some greasers sat behind us. One was REALLY cute!! But instead of watching his face all night, I decided to watch the movie. Then the taller one started flirting with cherry. So since she was preoccupied with him, I started looking elsewhere, and then I noticed the really cute one was looking at me. When I met his gaze, he stared down at his shoes. Then I broke the silence. " hi, I'm Alyssa, you guys? "

Pony's pov*

Me and Johnny looked at each other; She looked socy!! " umm, this is Johnny, and I'm Ponyboy, nice to meet you Alyssa, " I replied; but a little concerned because I don't know what she's gonna think of my name. " oh my gosh! I am so naming my kid that!! I love your name!! "

I was honestly a little shocked, she must be kidding. " why thank you, your name is pretty. "

" thanks, "

" hey, would you want to go out sometime? "

" I would love that Ponyboy. "

I hope you liked it peachymultifandom! Because Ponyboy Michael Curtis sure likes you!!


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